Woman trapped in a cage - metal bondage.TiedToArt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tiedtoart/art/Woman-trapped-in-a-cage-metal-bondage-1120852255TiedToArt

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Woman trapped in a cage - metal bondage.



Here I am, confined within the narrow bars of a metal cage, my red hair cascading over my shoulders as I sit, barely able to move. The cold metal presses against me, creating a stark contrast with the warmth of my skin, each bar a solid reminder of the space enclosing me. I can feel the weight of my captivity — every inch restricted, unable to stretch out fully, my movements limited to the tiny space I’m allowed.

The confinement is absolute, each metal bar unyielding, creating a tight, inescapable frame around me. My hair catches on the edges occasionally, a gentle reminder of just how little freedom I have in here. It’s humbling, being so completely enclosed, forced to accept the limits set by this cage. There's a strange peace in surrendering to it, in knowing that resistance is futile. The experience is intense, grounding, making me acutely aware of every breath, every heartbeat within the unbreakable walls surrounding me.

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2048x1536px 1.43 MB
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