Avatar(TLA): Tickles At The Beach!Ticklingdreams on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ticklingdreams/art/Avatar-TLA-Tickles-At-The-Beach-1055322463Ticklingdreams

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Avatar(TLA): Tickles At The Beach!


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(Welcome all, to my 60th tickle story event! This story takes place throughout season 3, episode 5 of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Look for time stamps if you want the exact mental gymnastics I'm trying to play to fit these scenes into the episode. Hope you enjoy it!)

[04:43 into the ep]

Chapter 1: Miss Popular

Ember Island. A beautiful land mass occupied by the Fire Nation, yet there is no military presence and no dictators hovering over the community. This is a simple, almost magical place to reside during this world wide crisis.

Azula, her brother Zuko along with their comrades in arms; Mai and Ty Lee, had been given direct orders to take a weekend vacation here. ..How cruel.

Despite the group knowing there must be some nefarious and or underhanded reasoning for this getaway, they make their best attempts to enjoy this opportunity.

Wasting no time, the group had quickly settled into their beach house and hit the lush shore for some fun!

Zuko and Mai give their best efforts to relax, sitting shoulder to shoulder under an umbrella. However, they somehow still appear bored and miserable.

Meanwhile, Ty Lee quickly begins to enjoy herself in the company of other teen youth.

Perhaps she is enjoying herself a little too much?

She has only just arrived. Yet, already she has a willing servant who beckons for her attention.

After he had set her blanket and unpacked her bag, Ty Lee lay down, relaxing back on the palms of her hands.

The girl ponders, curiously…

("Wow! That was fast.

We just got here and I'm already attracting fans!

I doubt he even recognizes me from the circus, though. Oooh, maybe he thinks this is love at first sight?

Can't say he's the 'cutest' boy here, but just maybe we can~GEEZ! Wow, that sun is bright.")

Briefly glancing between the boy and the glaring sun which hovers over the sparkling beach sea, Ty Lee hesitantly asks,

"Could you scooch just a little bit more to the~"

Like an ant that serves his queen, the boy obediently zips to the side.

Standing directly over Ty Lee, and standing at the perfect angle so that his head will eclipse the sun.

A gentle, submissive specimen, satisfied much too easily.

One can only wonder what drives a man to being so kind for nothing in return at all.

Unless; he is playing the 'long game'.

Aaah, yes. Creatures such as this ninety pound sub-species of the human male, bear many names and titles.

In relation to this particular individual we shall refer to him as… the "Nincompoop."

~But wait! What's this? Another fierce predator has entered the competition for the queen’s hand!

All too suddenly a fierce Vulture swoops in from out of the blue.

He attempts to steal the mistress for himself!

With a generous smile, the gentle giant made of muscle and.. more muscle, presents a gift upon the girl as he kneels beside her.

A beautiful beach shell, which had caught his eye by nothing short of fate's will. 

The girl is wooed immediately by the kind gesture.

Her smile grows as she quickly scoops up the gift and gawks at it as if it were a treasure on a pedestal.

"Wow, thanks! This is so pretty!"

Ty Lee can effortlessly melt hearts coded in stone, into a liquid of mush and warmth.

Her voice is sweet and innocent.

Her eyes glow beady and loving.

The vulture does not miss his chance.

He quickly delivers the finishing blow.

A pickup line straight from the

"Talking To Cute Beach Girls For Dummies"-handbook.

~~"Not as pretty as you are."


The meek boy quickly moved to the offensive!

He makes sure to look the behemoth in the eyes, so he knows he's being challenged!

The Nincompoop packs a large spirit: which is enhanced tenfold by his enchantress' beauty.

She feeds him strength and pheromones!… and uh, strength.

"Ehem! Shade! Shade!"

–"Why doesn't, Beefy Mc Beeferson here block out the sun for you? He'll do a much better job than I can! -SINCE HE'S SO WIDE AND-AND FAT!" Insults, the Nincompoop.

The Vulture responds smugly, with a prideful smile.

~~"Well, I can't fight ya on that one, little dude! I AM totally better than you. So, why don't 'I' tend to the nice lady, and 'you' just get lost?"

Receiving a provocative poke to the chest, the Nincompoop is thrown off balance by his foe.

However, he strikes back! Bravely, he rapidly flaps his noodle arm at the Vulture and creates some distance between them.

--"Hey, that's not what I meant!! And besides, I was here first, bub!"

~~"What's your point, string bean?"

Ty lee quickly chimes in.

"Hey, hey! Don't fight over me. Too much stress will give you wrinkles! Do either of you want wrinkles?!"

For a moment, the two male specimens cease their feud and look to one another, questioningly.

"EX-ACTLY! You don't!" Ty Lee continues,

"So, why don't we all just get along, hmm? You can both hang out with me.

Now, onto our first order of business... that sun is still 'really' annoying."

--"Oh, don't you worry! I've got you covered!"

The Nincompoop immediately shoots up and grabs a bottle of sunscreen from Ty Lee's setup.

--"Heh-heh get it?! 'Covered'??? Hahaha, be-because the-the sunscreen! HAHAHA-HAH!"

Ty Lee and the other boy watch uninterested, as the little thing cracks himself up in a fit of laughter.

~~*cough* *cough* "LAME." Comments the other suitor.

"That's a great idea! You guys are so sweet."

With a bubbly mood, Ty Lee turns around and lies flat on her belly.

She relaxes her cheek against her hands, in a carefree mood.

The Vulture, akin to his slimy nature, quickly snatches the bottle and sprays some lotion into his hands.

--"Hey?!" Shouts the other boy.

After getting a nice glop in his hand, he flips the bottle back to Nincompoop.

First, he spreads the lotion to both hands.

Then, he begins to rub his hands across Ty Lee's back.

The perfect combination of roughness and gentleness.

He massages her back with tender care.

"Oooh, that feels nice!" Ty Lee softly moans.

~~"Don't worry, little lady. I've got your back." The boy gives a wink-smolder combo to double the effect of his pun.

"Oh, heheheh! You're so funny! Haha, that was a good one!"

As the Nincompoop rubs lotion on Ty Lee's thighs, he angrily grunts to himself in a whisper.

--"Funny? Funny?! I'm the funny one. He didn't even say a good pun! I'm good with puns! I can make you laugh too! I can make you laugh so much, you'll–huh?!"

Suddenly, Ty Lee begins laughing! Kicking her legs up and down as she wiggles in place.

"Ooooh ha ha ha ha! Stop that hehehe y-you're tickling me! DON’T! Hah-heh, you’re making me laugh so much hahahaha! Its embarrassing!"

Once more, the work of the Vulture!

His hands caressing the sensitive sides of Ty Lee's belly, a little too roughly.

Enough to hurt? No, not by far.

Enough to tickle? Very much so.

With an impressed grin, he leans in closer.

~~"Tickling you? No way! I'm only making sure I get all the corners. You want to be protected from sunburn, don’t you? Stay still now or I might squeeze ya!"

Playfully, the muscular deviant begins to blatantly tickle Ty Lee!

With his thumbs pressed to both sides of her lower back and his fingers wrapped around her hips, he squishes his hands together, with Ty Lee's lower waist fixed between his palms.

"Eeeeeeeeek-HAHAHAHA hoo-ooo-hahahahahaha!! WHYYYY?! Every ooonnee i know hahahaha! Be-beeeh-BETRAYS MEE!! ehehehe hahahahaha!"

As the girl slams her fist into the sand, and grips the other tightly against her towel, she kicks and squirms her legs against the crumbling end of her towel.

Ty Lee refuses to fight or hold back any laughter.

She makes little effort to break free of the boy's hands.

Being someone who has defeated multiple grown men at once; chi-blocking this hunka hunka would be a breeze.

No. Instead, Ty Lee chooses to squirm and wiggle in place.

Despite thinking back to her sisters, her co-workers, her friends, her enemies-the many who have tricked and tickled her.

Ty Lee just lets this instance be and enjoys the freedom of laughing on her own terms.

The Nincompoop, however, isn't having it!

You can't just swoop in and tickle another man's girl!

He brainstorms ways to regain her attention, to earn her interest back.

What better way than to copy exactly what his enemy is doing?!


However, the Nincompoop in such a case, must perform better than his enemy or this just won't work.

As he sits there like a boiling teapot, the other boy has stopped tickling her. Ty Lee turns her body around as they both share a laugh over their silliness.

As Ty Lee rests back on her elbows, the Nincompoop zips to action, sitting beside her, and opposite to his opponent, so he knows he is being challenged.

--"Hey! Why don't I rub this on your stomach, now? We've got to make sure your abs are protected too, right?!"

"Uhm, thank you. But i can reach there just fine~"

Before Ty Lee could finish, the Nincompoop squirts the bottle several times.

Ty Lee's belly is now drenched in the cold, moist substance.

As if the world around her began revolving three times slower, Ty Lee's eyes shoot wide open.

Her body quivers as the boy's hands reach toward her, with twiddling fingers.

Every instinct she knows as a fighter tells her to knock this little man so far into the sky, that he splashes into the deep end of the ocean before them.

It was a split second decision, but.. Ty Lee sits this one back.

Looking away and sucking in her lips to bite down on; Ty Lee braces for impact.

With(what he believes to be) lightning quick reflexes, the boy scatters his fingers against the girl's midriff.

Poking each individual finger against her belly; all as he simultaneously moves his hands.

"Tee-hee heheheeheh hahahaha HEHEH hahahahahaha!

HAHAHA HEYYY! What's with youu hehehehe?!

Why do you wanna tickle meee?!

HEHEHE what, ahahahaha! Did you get jealous??? Hahaha!"

The boy immediately becomes verbally defensive when encountering this embarrassing accusation.

--"What?! Nooo! No way!

I, your humble and 'bestest' of friends, simply cannot stand by as you had been given such a poor tickle. By this total weirdo!

Allow me to show you what a true tickling feels like!"

The Vulture simply chills back with a slightly amused grin.

He calmly watches his competitor give the best efforts he has to try and win the girl's affection.

Ty Lee giggles blissfully as she tries not to fight back.

She switches her arms and hands from grabbing the boy's shoulder for support, to covering her mouth, to digging her fingers into the sand.

Whatever she does, she keeps her arms moving and leaves her body open for her friend to tickle her.

As Ty Lee continues to squirm, someone suddenly supports her from behind.

She looks up to see the Vulture has zipped behind her!

That bastard!

("Oh, NO! Oh, goodness, I know that look!

Should I knock him out, now?!

Hmmm.. darn!

I can't. Everyone will think i'm just a freak if i just start chi-blocking anyone that flirts with me.

I mean, I DID want to meet people. But this is so embarrassing in public!

Breathe, just breathe.

It's not that bad.

It's just a little–")

~~"Tickle, tickle, tickle!!!"


-ppppffttt HAH!!! Ahahahahahaha heheheheh goodness! GOODNESS!!! Hehehehe y-y-yooouuu GUYS???

Hahahaha eeeeeeeek-hahaha!!!"

They’re going at her, from both sides! The remorseless fiend behind Ty Lee has one of her wrists in grip and stretched behind her head.

Her soft, pale armpit has become completely exposed and ready to tickle.

And tickled, it is.

The boy gently scratches with his trimmed fingernails against her moist, smooth skin as she becomes sweaty from her prolonged laughter and excessive strain.

He then transitions to deeply rubbing his large fingertips deep against her armpit; which drives the girl wild with chaotic and untamed laughter.

She leans her shoulders and most of her upper body against his chest.

As she slides up and down, rapidly kicking the towel; she uses her free hand and gently slaps the boy's thigh for time out, but he only snickers at this motion in return.

Meanwhile, the string bean, Nincompoop begins to speed up his tickles!

Saddling over one of Ty Lee's thighs, the boy begins to imitate stereotypical ninja sounds as he uses all of his fingers to grab and squish the fat of Ty Lee's belly near the center of her stomach.

His slippery fingers combined with Ty Lee's squishy belly, drenched in excessive sunscreen lotion; all makes for an extremely unique sensation.

Both odd and ticklish the feeling, Ty Lee cannot focus on one area!

As both her armpits are tickled and scratched, and her belly making funny sloshing sounds from the boy jiggling the(rather little amount) of fat on her stomach; Ty Lee unintentionally begins to fight back.



*sharp inhale* GGHAAAAA, AAAAAAAAAAAH!!! HEHEHEHEH hah-hah hahaha noooo!!!

B-BACK OFF!!! Or-ooor I-I'm gonna, GONNA HURT-!!"

Before Ty Lee could finish her warning, she accidentally pulls back both of her legs and kicks the Nincompoop at the chest; launching him quite a distance back.

Ty Lee gasps as the Vulture ceases his tickle assault entirely.

Ty Lee calls out.

"I'm so sorry!! Uhm.. are you still alive?"

With aching delay, the boy eventually throws a wobbling thumbs up.

"Huh?-Ooof! Hey?!" Ty Lee suddenly falls flat on her back.

Propping herself up, she quickly takes notice that the muscular boy had backed away five or so scooches.

Happy to sit 'near' her. In her general circumference. But not too close.

In criss-crossed fashion, he waves with a deflecting smile as he suddenly fears for his life.

-The lesson? Tickling a girl is probably not worth a concussion, folks… Unless she's a real cutie.

Then that's different.

[Before 05:40]

Chapter 2: Envy

(Minutes ago…)

Under the shade of an umbrella, a princess sits, unaccompanied.

She aggravatedly watches as two boys slather and rub sunscreen on Ty Lee's body.

Also, Azula is in the middle of a morbid, internal monologue.

("Spite… disgust? No, that's not right.

Pitty? .. Probably.

Somehow, I am confident that this beach is the source of a plague that fuels my word deprivation.

Ever since I got on that damned boat, I've felt odd.

Now, on the beach, away from the war. I feel entirely different.

Out of my battlesuit.

No flashy dresses.

Only two daggers hidden under my skirt.

All I've got is this sexy-ass bathing suit.

Well, it’s kind of peasant-wear, but I shape it well.

I mean, no doubt in my mind that I wear it well… yup. I'm smokin'.

So, why do I also feel like a stranger to myself?

I don't know why I suddenly feel all these crybaby thoughts.

I mean, I have it all, don't I?

Wealth. Success. Purpose. Looks.

Of course I got the looks, I mean, fricking look at me. I could trade tongues with myself right now!

So, what could be-?


…Not entirely.")

“That’s a new look for you. Since when are you moody?”

A voice comments from behind Azula. Azula quickly shoots back a response.

“Kid, just who the hell do you think you are stepping to?! You bra-stuffing, fat, peasan~oh. Hey Mai.”

Mai sits beside Azula, unsurprised by the princess’ defensiveness. Neither girl makes direct eye contact with the other. Instead, they both watch Ty Lee’s performance.

Not as daring as her circus acts, but regardless. It’s… Something. Mai soon asks,

“Were you so surprised to see me? We just settled in a few minutes ago.”

Azula replies back, “Yeah, a few minutes ago. That's all the time it took for Ty Lee to steal all the bachelors. Pretty soon there will be a flock around her. I’ve seen it before.”

“Yeah, I have as well. That doesn’t normally take long to happen. Then again, she is Ty Lee. Clumsy, innocent, approachable.”

Azula snaps back, 

“Well then, if Ty Lee is just so damn perfect, why don’t you just go snuggle up to her?

Or Zuko for that matter. I don’t really care, as long as you don’t give ME any lectures.

I can tell there's a lecture coming.”

Mai snickers, “As if I could give anyone good advice on boys. My boyfriend is an over-tempered nutcase. And I actually think that's what I enjoy about him. That might make me the crazier one.”

Azula fakes a gagging motion, exaggerating her distaste for this topic. “Bleck! Why would you think I’d want any of your crap advice on boys? Even less, to hear you talk about, Zuko like that?”

After a brief pause in thought, Azula continues, “Anyway. Where is my little brother? I thought for sure he wouldn’t leave your side. With you being super hot and naked, surely he’d freak over someone ogling you.”

Mai replies, “I’m not naked, but whatever. You are right, though. Zuko gets really jealous over nothing. But he just went to hunt down an ice cream vendor.”

(Meanwhile, away from the water, at the restrooms-)

Zuko furiously bashes his fist against the door of a portable toilet. He has some poor soul cornered in a kabe-don!

”HEY! Where the hell do you think you’re going, punk?! I’m not through, politely telling you to stay away from my girl!”

The frail, suffering boy desperately pleas at Zuko, 

“Just relax man, please have mercy! I just sell the ice cream. I have no idea what girl you’re talking about!”

“Oh, you mean you don't even remember her? So now you’re calling my girlfriend a basic bitch, huh?! Oooh-ho-ho, you just made your day a lot worse, pal.”

“Can this not wait, sir?! I mean, who in the four nations yanks a guy out of a toilet?! You’re insane!! I really gotta go!”

Zuko replies remorselessly, “DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT OGGLE MY GIRL’S HOT BOD???”

“What girl?! I wasn’t ogling nothin’ but the rest rooms! I only get two bathroom breaks in a ten-hour shift! So I waited for a~”


-The boy whimpers, “I DID NOT!”


“No, sir!”

Enraged, Zuko quickly grabs the man by the collar of his shirt and raises him off his feet.

“Oh, oh! Are you telling me no right now? YOU’RE GONNA STICK WITH THAT, BRO?!”

“I-don’t knooooowww!” The vendor whimpers fearfully as tears stream down his cheeks.

Also he has a strong feeling, a gut feeling… his break might have just ended a couple of minutes ago.

(Meanwhile, back near the water-)

Mai snickers in thought to herself. “I’m not worried about Zuko, though. You’re the one who looks like she’s going to murder someone.”

Mai playfully pokes Azula at her side, in an attempt to gain her full attention.

“I might.” Azula replied as she instinctively wiggled her hips, opposite to Mai’s touch. Her eyes flicker to her side, then over to Mai. She tries to brush this off as nothing, though a faint blush over her cheeks insinuates otherwise.

She continued, “But I’m trying my best to have a good time. So most likely I won’t stain these sands with the blood of mostly-innocent teens.”

“Oh, really? Well whether you want to admit it or not, I know the real problem is that you’re nervous being away from work.” With a growing smirk curling in her lips, Mai continues to provoke Azula, and casually pokes her belly several more times.

“Hmpff!! Urk-WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? I’m not shy of anything- heh. I’m a princess and a-haha, a warrior! M-MM Mai!! Stop that, right this instant! What is wrong with you?”

Mai continues to toy with Azula. Though Azula remains relatively stiff, she fights against her instincts to move far, far away. Then, Mai will have won!

No. Azula is a very stubborn girl, and will hold her ground until her attacker backs away.

She cannot muffle her laughs any longer. As Azula grabs Mai’s wrist, Mai advances, leaning in closer and poking Azula’s toned midriff with both hands.

“MAI??? MAI!! What the hell?! Hahahaha I get it, hah-hah, I’m ticklish! OKAY, big freaking whoop. You already knew that! HAHAHAHA. Gooo! Just- hahaha, go play with Ty Lee, you creep!”

Mai Proclaims, “I am not the one who needs a laugh. We are here to have fun, remember? The first thing ‘you’ did when we got here was destroy a kids’ sand castle. Quit acting so moody.”

Mai then proceeds to scooch directly beside Azula and wrap her in a bear hug-with her hands actively tickling Azula’s waist.

“-HAAAAAAAAAAAA HAH ha-ha!!! Okay, that's enough of you! Ge-eehe-hett AWAY, YOU DOLT!! Ahahaahaha!”

Just as Mai was about to pin down Azula, Azula breaks free of her hold and immediately stands up and takes several paces forwards.

As she turns and looks around across the beach, Azula half expects to be met with glares and mocking laughter directed at her.

Instead, she is met with nothing of the sort. Despite the ruckus they were causing and how loud they were being, it did not matter.

Everyone was loud and fooling around, and no one was staring at them.

Being a high-ranking military officer, and a princess, Azula was no stranger to praise, criticism or any kind of attention.

But in this setting everything is different from what she is used to. No one is watching her every breath, but also, no one is so fearful as to hesitate a glance at her.

Every little thing on this beach is simply just normal.

Suddenly, Mai stands beside Azula. “What's the matter? Did you see an assassin or something?”

“What?! No. It's just… been a while.” Azula replies. However, as Mai is alerted and scanning the beach-goers for possible dangers, Azula conducts a sneak attack!

“You let your guard down, Mai! How disappointing.” Azula had quickly grabbed Mai by the wrist and lifted her arm into a chicken-wing, above her head. 

Instantly after, she uses her other hand to rapidly skitter and relentlessly tickle the hollow of Mai’s smooth armpit.

“AHAHA-HA-HA, aaaah-NO hah hah hahaha okay, okay thats enough now!! N-NNNO fair hahahahah!! You HAH-HAH- you distracted meehee on purpossse hahahaha!”

Azula snickers, “You know, Mai, I cannot recall the last time ‘you’ smiled or laughed like this. Perhaps just the slightest bit hypocritical, if you ask me. So I say, you deserve a hefty dose of your own medicine.”

Azula is remorseless and cruel with her tickling. The two scramble and shift around rapidly as Mai attempts to reach Azula with her free arm.

Azula is cunning with her movements and remains out of reach from Mai as she continues to tickle her underarm.

Azula's fingernails were not too long, but just the perfect length to tap, poke and scratch sensitive skin.

The sensation drives Mai into hysterical laughter.

“STAHAHAHAHAAAAP! I YEILD HAHAHAHA HAHAHAH- I GIVE UP!!! Damn!! Aaah-ahahaha thats THEE-THe- haaah- haa WORST!! Why do you remember??? HAHHAHAHA! RRRRGG!! Azula, give me a cha-HAAAAAAAAAAAAA-?!?!”

Suddenly, Azula sweeps Mai behind the legs and gently lowers her back to the sand.

Mai is quick to squirm and crawl away.

However, Azula was faster. Azula is only able to saddle herself over Mai’s knees.

The girl was close to escape, however, Azula had counted on this angle.

Azula sternly grabs Mai’s hips and leans her face downwards near her belly.

The two immediately lock eyes.

Mai giggles as she playfully shoves back against Azula’s shoulders. She giggles nervously and pleas, “Okay, Azula! Fun is fun hehe, but maybe DON’T do what you’re thinking. I’ve been very obedient to you, but I promise that I know how to be a pain. You want to be alone? Fine. I don’t care! But you can’t-”

~Azula cuts in, “Well If there’s one thing I adore, it’s obedient attack dogs. However, I’ll be blunt. You have been very sassy lately. I believe it’s time we sort this out~*inhale*-PPPBBBBBBBBBBTTTTTT!!!!”

 “HA-HA-HAH-HAHA–aaaaaah! HA-HA-HA-HA-hahahahahah! AAAAAH GRRR-you monster! Youuu absolute, hahahaha, darn-”


Azula is a relentless opponent, a human being whom can hone the drive and passion of a fierce tigerdillo within herself.

Be it a large-scale military assault or a simple game.

It is in her nature to dominate.

Azula is unrelenting and merciless as she blows raspberries on Mai’s muscle-toned midriff.

She blows sloppy, then long until her breath runs out, then several short windeed, consecutive blows.

Mai is a mess. A giggling mess. She grabs onto Azula's shoulder as her other hand combs fingers through Azula’s silky-smooth hair.

She grips her friend tightly as her body trembles and her cheeks quickly grow flush.

Drool escapes the corners of her lips and trickles down to her chin and her neck.

Beads of sweat lather and glisten all over the young womans’ body.

Mai; a natural solo act, tried to step away from her comfort zone in order to cheer up her friend.

Azula does indeed seem to be much happier and carefree.

But at what cost to Mai, herself?!

Mai begins to muffle her own laughter behind a palm, soon in support of her other palm, directly over one another.





“Oooooh-HO-hooh- HAAAAAA hahahahaha KYYYaaa-hah!! HAAAA AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

Despite a shy desire within Azula to hear her friend surrender and whimper for an end to this unwarranted tickle torture; this will never come to be.

Mai shares many common attributes found within Azula. She will not plea, nor beg, nor surrender to the bitter end.

There is no surrender. Even with Mai being even more of a “shut in” than Azula.

Even with the fact that Mai now, likely feels more humiliated than Azula ever could have when being tickled in public.

Mai just lye there.

Under better upbringings, Mai’s laughter would have been blissful. This untamed and free girl has not been seen, or heard, for that matter. For so, very long.

Azula was finally having fun. She was finally unchained. Yet, her joy only ever seems to come at the expense of others.

Looking up at Mai, some irking feeling deep within Azula tells her not to let this go too far.

Azula ceases her raspberry-blowing and lifts her head to meet with Mai’s gaze.

Sheepishly, she asks,

“So, uhm, you aren't dying, haha, right? I mean… I- .. this isn’t too far?”

 Mai greedily breathes in, her smile remaining present and genuine.

“Well.. i’d prefer if you maybe stopped… a couple dozen of those fart-noises ago. Heh-heh.”

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Azula moves off of Mai, to sluggishly lye beside her.

“Hey, that was pretty exhausting for ‘me’ to do as well, you know.”

“I don’t care. No one told you to go crazy like that, but yourself.”- Mai remarks.

“Yeah, well, you were asking for it!”

Mai chuckles, “God, you sound like such a boy.”

“HEY. You drew first blood, tickling me like a sissy. At that point It was my obligation to show you some powerful Jutsu.”

The two begin giggling among themselves. Amused how silly and fun they can be without the stress of “war” and many other obligations that await them back home.

Suddenly the two girls are overcast with a shadow, as a man stands over them.

Zuko had returned.

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 “Hey, what are you two doing on the sand? You each have a blanket setup.”

Mai chuckles and sits up on the backs of her palms.

“It’s nothing. Your sister just needed cheering up is all.”


Mai continues, “Oh, she was super gloomy. You should have seen her, she was worse than me!”

“Shut-up!” Azula demands, as Mai continues to chuckle. Azula then looks Zuko over, wondering; “Hey, pigeon-brian. All that time away, and you forgot the ice cream?”

“Ice cream? You guys wanted ice cream??”

Mai interjects, “well, no one really asked for it. But you said you were going to ‘hunt down an ice cream vendor.' … Sooo, what exactly did you-”

“I’ll be right back.”


-And with that, Zuko heads back out down the path he came, now with a new objective. Find a new ice cream cart, that he hadn’t burned to ashes. The lesson? Don’t envy your friends…TICKLE THEM, instead.

[03:40 Approximately]

Chapter 3: 

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Aang has made great recovery ever since his nearly fatal encounter against Zuko and Azula in Ba Sing Se. Weeks later, rumors of the Avatar’s demise had spread worldwide.

Team Avatar and their invasion plan now possess a great advantage which arose amidst such a disaster.

The element of surprise.

Knowledge is one of the most powerful weapons of war; to use it. To take it. To disguise it.

The Firelord himself now believes in the destruction of the Avatar.

With Ba Sing Se taken under the control of the Fire Nation as well, any strong resistance on The Day Of Black Sun is likely to be far from expected.

Team Avatar has split off from the larger invasion force and makes slow progress to a rendezvous point.

Now, the Avatar in particular must take extra precaution to disguise himself as he and his friends travel within the heart of enemy territory.

At all times, he must conceal his tattoos and abilities, lest he risk losing the leg up that he and his rebellion have found themselves with. At all times, he must–

“Aang! I know swimming is fun and all, but do you really think you should be exposing yourself like that? Cover up.”

Team Avatar currently bathes within a large pocket of water, secluded by tall mountains cornering all sides.

Toph has voiced her concerns of Aang exposing his tattoos, though her worries are brushed off.

“What? I’m wearing trunks.” Aang spoke as nonchalantly as he acts; lazily floating down a current.

He looks ahead of himself and notices the current of water guiding him towards a tunnel.

Impossible! Can it be? WATER SLIIIIIDE!!

Without hesitation, Aang quickly dives through the downward spiraling tunnel. Of which could easily have a party of sharpened rocks waiting to shake hands with him at the bottom.

But hey, he IS an Earth Bender now, so who really cares?

“I CARE! Why do ‘you’ not care?! You’re usually the control freak about these things.” Toph accuses Katara, who has just defended Aang fully exposing himself.

Katara replies, “I resent being called that… anyway like i said, Aang is fine. There is no one around and we are completely surrounded by mountains.”

Toph Trills her lips and turns away from Katara, with a grumpy gesture. Katara heads over, beside the rock of which Toph sits over.

She wraps her arms around Toph in a half hug and proceeds to gently tickle her stomach. Tapping and spreading her fingers to poke in place.

“Hahahaha hhah-HEY. What’s all that for? Hahahaha cc-cut it out, Katara!” Toph giggles adorably and tries to put some distance between herself and Katara.

As Katara tries to cuddle nearer, Toph keeps her arms outstretched and shoving Katara’s shoulder.

“Just trying to get you to cheer up. Aang finally seems to be unwinding. And this little area, for this short time, it’ll mean a lot to him. I know it. So, you just gotta chill out!”

Katara continues to toy with Toph, now gripping her palms to Toph’s bare hips and gently but at rapid pace, she presses her fingers together simultaneously.

“NEVEEERRR HAH HAH HAHA!!! GRRR- AHAHAHAHA lemme go, lemme goooo! OOOh hahahahahah! STAHAHAHAPP iiit!”

The ruckus these two are causing has briefly obtained the attention of a local fisherman.

Sokka sits on another large rock mass within the crater of water.

He is indeed fishing. Perhaps he will come across some rare two-headed fish! Mmm-hmm! Pollution!

“Sorry to break it to ya, sis. But the only thing that makes a grumpy-gwwumpy-grumpster MORE moody, is telling them they are being moody.” Sokka interjects.

He then adds in a mocking tone, “Toph, did you have your breakfast today?”

Suddenly, as if she had gained a surge of energy, Toph deflects both of Katara's wrists and grabs a palm full of Katara’s belly.

With much more mellow posture and effort than Katara had been using, Toph now turns the tables by using the pads of her fingers to press against Kataras soft skin and tickle her midriff.

One handed.

As Katara laughs hysterically, Toph replies to Sokka,

“I did have breakfast. You were there too, you dolt! And I AM-NOT a grumpy-grumpster-grumpling-uuuh… what was it that you called me again?’”

“Grumpy-gwwumpy-grumpster.” Sokka immediately corrects, mockingly.

“Yeah, that. I-AM-NOT. THAT. Clear?”

All the while as the two argue, Katara finds herself losing balance and losing her voice! She is not bound nor held in place. Yet for some reason it is psychologically very difficult for her to move.

“HEHEHEHEHE_FFFWWWAAAAAAHHH aha hahahaha!!! AHA-HAH! Ahahaha hahahahaha!! TEEE-heee hehehehehe oooh-oooh Topppphhh! TTAAAAAAhhhhAAAAH-HAAAh-haaaa haaaapppphh!!!”

Katara feels as if Toph withdrawals her tickle attack, then she may lose balance and fall over.

She has had her fair share of tickle fights before, with this girl.

When did she become so… so powerful???


The two, including Sokka, Katara’s own brother, carry on arguing and ignore Katara’s apparent descent into madness.

Sokka accuses, “Hey, listen, Toph. I just tell it like I see it. And what I'm seeing is that once Katara is finally having fun, YOU quickly slither into her role as granny-know-it-all tell-it-all, of the group.”

“NOT TRUE. I have always been the only one with common sense in this group. You have all run off doing crazy shenanigans or try and one army the Fire Nation. Without me, YOU WOULD ALL BE BLIND.”




After an awkward silence, Toph had briefly released Katara as she sit there defiant, arms crossed and head tucked down.
Dizzily, Katara wobbles in place for only a moment, until Toph quickly uses her leg to guide Katara into a safe, calculated trip.

One that lands Katara’s back against Toph’s lap so Toph can catch Katara under one arm as she uses her free hand to tickle Katara's ribcage.

She roughly massages with her fingers, causing Katara to splash and squirm as she is half underwater.


True to what Katara insinuates, Toph had suddenly darted her hand from ribs to Katara’s sky-high exposed armpit.

Toph's single hand works miracles. Her five didgets dart masterfully up and down Katara's wet and smooth armpit hollow.

Toph continues to debate Sokka. The tickling appears as a physical-venting device.

To distract her aggression and focus on tickling the older girl.

Does it work though?

Mostly not, as Toph still seems verbally aggressive. 

“I know you have limited storage space in that tiny head of yours, Sokka, but could you at least try to remember the spies that have trailed us before?

It wasn’t fun having entire Fire Nation encampments trailing us for days on-end.”

Toph continues, “Look, maybe it is fine, this time. All I'm saying is Aang hates hiding his arrow and he can be careless sometimes.

So don’t let this happen too frequently. If there is one annoyance I have about being blind, it’s that everyone who ‘can’ see, never pays close enough attention.”

Sokka surrenders, “Yeah, I totally get it, Toph. You may be right. If we let Aang wander here and there, he’ll want to go nuuude everywhere!”

“Ewww! What?! He SAID he was wearing trunks!!”

“Uuuh, I didn’t mean literally.” Sokka reassures.

Toph’s tiny, but deadly little fingers, have ironically put Katara to tears of… joy?

Perhaps she is not enjoying having her hyper-sensitive armpits tickled to oblivion, but surely these were not tears of sadness nor of anger alike. Toph suddenly makes another change of target.
Now with one arm wraped around Katara's ribcage to secure her body, Toph's free hand targets the belly button.
As one does.
Toph is able to poke most of her slim index finger into Katara's navel.

"Toph!!! TOPH, don't do it! I quit, I quit! I quit, i quit, i--KKKKYYYYYYAAAAAAAHHH-AAAAAAH-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhh hahahahahaha OH MY GOOO-HAHAHAWWWDDD!!!"

A simple poke was not evil enoough. Not by far. Toph must end any possible conceptions within Katara for future tickle attacks.
She will end this fued once and for all!
Or, this is what Katara percieves, anyway.
Toph really isn't paying any mind as she begins to trace, twerll and jiggle her finger within Katara's deep, olive-shaped navel.

Katara is at her limiit. She had no prior time to mentally prepare herself for such torture! Sucha  cowardice, devious attack.
Katara grabs onto the smaller girl's arm and grips it tightly, as it is her only support.
Tears blur the girl's vision and soon pour away rapidly down her cheeks, like rain.

“TOOOOPPPHHH *whimper* I-BEG of youuu hahahaha!! I’ll never tickle you again!!! HAHAHAHA KYYAAAAAA HAAAA HAHAHAHAHA!!! IT-hahaha WAS ehehehehehe oooohh-*gasp*-ooh ahaha HAHAHAKK!!! JUS-JUUUUSSST!!! AAAA JOOOOOKKEEE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHA!!! NO MORE, NO MORE, NOOO MO-HOooooorrreeee!!!! Haaaaaah-AAAAAAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

“Huh? Oh, Katara. My bad, I forgot you were there.”

Toph releases her grip of Katara and lets the rest of the girl’s body ragdoll into the water.


Released back into her natural habitat, the Waterbender feels at ease.

As quickly as she sinks, she rises into a float and casually floats away from her assailant.

Careless as a corpse.

She breathed hungerly, but her eyes closed. A wide open smile still decorates her face all the while. Cheek to cheek.

On the outside she is fine. On the inside, a bit of her ego was stolen from her.

If Katara was keeping score count for her tickle fights with Toph, which she TOTALLY was not: then this was 0/3. 0/5?

Whatever it was, Katara knows this was only just the beginning of a lifelong psychological war between the two.

For dominance.

For respect and for glory! … anyway.

Toph relaxes her hands behind her head and slouches.

“Look, Sokka. All i’m saying is, if Aang suddenly starts bending and flying and doing something spectacular, and someone catches it, then it’s gonna be on you.

Because I have made my point.”

Sokka clicks his teeth with a snicker and mumbles to himself, “Yeah right. After everything the guy has been through, and all the times we explained to him how beneficial his faked death is?

There's no way Aang won’t be more careful. In fact, i’m sure he’ll be more careful than all of uuuuss-?”

Sokka’s eyes widen as he looks to the sky.
The sight indeed matches the sound, the breeze, the gust of wind.

After soaring to an unnecessary height, Aang drops into the water with a large splash.

The wave muffles Sokka’s scream and fills his mouth and covers his body with several large fish.

As the water settles and Toph remains unmoved, unphased, Aang erupts with laughter.

“Wow, that was so incredible! Hahahaha, Sokka you have got to try this water slide! It is super steep and you’ll go really fast, but Katara or I can make you go even faster! It was SPECTACULAR. Oh, neat you finally caught some fish!”

“... … ..” Sokka sits there feeling redundant. Defeated. Alone. On the inside.

If Sokka ‘were’ to have been counting all the arguments he had lost to Toph, he would have lost two arguments. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s crazy it happened twice. Right?

As if right on que to pour salt into the wound, Toph shouts,

“Hey, Sokka?”

“Y-.. yeah?”

“You’re fault.”


Aang darts looks around, curiously. He asks, “Hey, what happened? I was gone for like three minutes. And what’s wrong with Katara? She’s just kinda floating there.”

Sokka morbidly begins gathering his fish into a bucket as he answers, sluggishly. “Katara? What Isn’t wrong with Katara?”

-”I HEARD THAT, Sokka!”

“Love ya sis!”

Several minutes later, after Sokka had taken upon a couple of water slide trips and Katara had bathed herself, AGAIN, the four friends lye on Appas' back.

They are all geared up and ready to take off to the skies.

For now, they take one last moment to enjoy the peace.

Toph suddenly asks, “Hey, Katara?”

“Huh? What is it, Toph?”

Toph continued, “about that whole tickling thing.. It was all just in good fun, ya know. Like always.”

“Sure, I guess. I don’t know, I think I kinda initiated that last one heh heh.”

“KINDA???”- Sokka interjects.

The whole group giggles and laughs among themselves. Katara reassures,

“Okay! Okay hahaha, it was my fault and I got owned!”

Toph then asks, “Sooo, you aren’t planning to counter attack me again, anytime soon. Right?”

Katara thinks long and hard about this question. Looking to the stars, then beside her at Toph.

“Nope! I think I’ve had quite about enough of that. So probably not.. (not anytime soon).”

The End!

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anonymous's avatar
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warriorlead9999's avatar

That was a great story and Ty Lee was very cute and beautiful at the beach in her swimsuit.😍😍❤️❤️