3. InconsiderateThunder-Tomoko on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thunder-tomoko/art/3-Inconsiderate-162763721Thunder-Tomoko

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3. Inconsiderate



Page 3: "Inconsiderate"

Now that was just rude. You know there's a spell for that? I'm sure Dante will explain which one condescendingly on the next page; he's so smart~

Gods belongs to :icongodshellsing: and Dante belongs to :icongo-devil-dante:
Harry Potter, his Universe and all else that is related belongs to J.K. Rowling
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Go-Devil-Dante's avatar
HAHAHA! firstly I love how snape calls him mr arse on the first page XD and a curse that removes clothes, Hmmm HAHA snape, you'd love a special detention with him wouldn't you XD

I was really really expecting torin to do the naked heimlick maneuver on him and look like he was rooting him HAHAHA! :love: But this action is so gods, how awesome XD :heart: