
1094 deviations

885 deviations

206 deviations

My OCs
221 deviations
Messin With A Zeti
On a planet known as the Lost Hex, a certain battle was coming to a close. In a zone called Frozen Factory, our hero Sonic the Hedgehog was just finishing up a battle with one of the members of a group of demon like creatures known as the Deadly Six. The creature that Sonic is currently battling is name Zeena, and she is the only female of the Zeti.
The battle continues more only a short time until finally Sonic destroys the last of the snowmen, sending the snowman’s head and middle body flying into the air. And in the process sending Zeena flying out as well, landing on her back. She quickly got to her feet and stared intensely at the hed...
Sonic stuff
109 deviations
Sonlaze Stay With Me
It was now night time at Tailss house/workshop as Tails had just finished bandaging up Sonic and Blazes wounds in the battle. Knuckles left a while ago because he was feeling a lot better but was upset at the way his island looked.Amy had also gone home because for some strange reason she didnt want to be around Sonic or Blaze at all. Tails had brought back the Sol Emeralds as he placed them on the table so they wouldnt have to go back for them.Well Im going to bed do you two need anything? Tails asked.No Im fine how about you Blaze? Sonic asked as he turned to her.Blaze stayed silence as she slightly shook her head meaning that ...
SonicXBlaze chapter stories
7 deviations
Pokemon stuff
102 deviations
Taomon's Foot Worship
The sun was setting over the horizon of a somewhat busy city. In this city there was also a park which had many trees in the area, smooth cut grass, a somewhat big lake, and many
many trails that led outside and inside to the park. In one of the trees, Taomon, Renamons Ultimate Form was sitting down on one of the tree branches looking at the sun.Today was a
nice day, Taomon thought. It was nice of Rika to let me have a day off from battling but I wonder why she changed me to my Ultimate Form?Taomon then placed her back against the tree and closed her eyes for a few minutes. Since the evening had just begun she didnt have to rush home...
Digimon stuff
51 deviations
Mai Valentine Tickled
The sun was shining around Battle City as Mai Valentine was taking a nice walk down the streets. She wore her sleeveless light blue vest and a white tank top and wore long white fingerless gloves. She also wore her dark purple mini-skirt and long boots as well.She stretched her arms in the air into the air and a smile appeared on Mais face as she continued to walk down the streets.I cant believe Im saying this but its such a great afternoon.The afternoon was so great for Mai that she decided to take a nice sit someone in the park of Battle City. A few minutes later Mai was sitting down on a green park bench and was looking up at the ...
Yu-Gi-Oh stuff
5 deviations
Kurenai's Test
The mid afternoon sun shinned over the Village Hidden in the Leaves. The white puffy clouds were moving across the sky slowly covering up the suns rays a couple of times. The citizens of the village were at peace and were enjoying their day
all expect for one Fifth Hokage who was stamping papers in her office.Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage sat in her chair stamping paper after paper after paper and she was in no mood. Shizune was in the office with Tsunade along with her pig Tonton but left the office since Tsunade was not in a good mood.Darn it all why are there so much papers to be stamped?! Tsunade said angrily to herself. Why am I alway...
Naruto stuff
47 deviations
Krystal's Foot Worship
It was a partly cloudy mid-morning on a planet filled with lots of grass, sand, water, and ocean water. There was a big house located in the grass area of the planet and in this house lived Fox McCloud and Krystal. The reason for this was because that their ship wasnt operating right so they were stuck on the planet.Fox McCloud was already up working on the ship as he wiped some sweat off his forehead. He stopped working for a second as he looked up at one of the windows and just stared for one good minute.Wonder if Krystal is still sleeping, Fox thought.Indeed Krystal already up and she was wearing her blue catsuit, blue knee-high boot...
Starfox stuff
21 deviations
Cynder's Worship Night
The skies were dark with black clouds and strikes of lighting went through the sky as Spyro the Dragon and Sparx the Dragonfly were both flying towards the big black castle which Cynder the Dragon (adult form) lived.Sparx tell me why were doing this again.Because we both lost that bet and now we have to do this
no matter how scared I am
or how we might die for this.Spyro just sighed as he and Sparx continued to fly towards Cynders castle. As they were getting closer to the castle the skies were becoming a lot darker but the light strikes had stopped which made it easier for the two of them.Look Sparx the castle is just ahead and if ...
Spyro stuff
16 deviations
Spyro and Dark Cynder Chapter Stories
5 deviations
Sly Cooper stuff
10 deviations
Zelda's Tickle Torture
It was a beautiful morning as Princess Zelda was in front of her minor brushing her hair to get ready for the day. She let out a yawn because she was still kind of tired in the morning but not too tired.Once she was done brushing her hair, Zelda sat up from the chair she was sitting on as she looked outside the window.Today looks so nice.She placed her arms on the balcony as she was looking through the fields of Hyrule and she was happy that there wasnt any trouble going on out in the fields.Zelda wore her royal gown of white with her long blond hair down. She was also wearing her brown boots as she was looking outside the balcony. She ...
Legend of Zelda stuff
6 deviations
Tigress's Worship Night
It was now night time around the Jade Palace. Everything was quiet and the sounds that were only heard were the wind blowing slightly. Master Tigress was walking up the stairs slowly to her room because she was extremely tired.She had done her training like she usually does but Tigress had done too much training and now she was tired. Once she had gotten up the stairs, Tigress still had to walk down the hallway to her room.Tigress sighed as she took one step down but then felt a little bit on pain on her left leg as she stopped to let the pain go away for a little.Maybe it was a bad idea to train that much hard.It took her a couple of mi...
Kung Fu Panda stuff
15 deviations
Medusa Gets Tickle Tortured
The sun was setting down the horizon of the Shinigami Weapon Meister Vocational School meaning that evening had begun. Inside the school the students had already gone home while some of the teachers were still in the school doing some of their work before they would leave the school.In one of the rooms particular the nurses office, Medusa Gorgon was looking through the student files like always with a devilish smile on her face. Medusa Gorgon is really an evil witch who was only impersonating a nurse so she could get the student files and access the student files with the intent of finding students who could possibly become Kishin.She wor...
Soul Eater stuff
11 deviations
Yoruichi's Foot Worship
It was a quiet night around Urahara Shop as Yoruichi Shihōin lied on top of the roof looking a little bored. She looked up at the sky and thought how nice the stars were looking up there and then she let out a yawn. Yoruichi had two forms she could transform into and those transformations were her black cat form and human form.In her human she wore a backless black undershirt, an orange over shirt, black wrist-guards, black pants, and light shoes. Yoruichi let out sigh as she kicked off her light shoes and now her bare feet were showing.I cant believe Im bored. Im usually never bored but tonight Im
Yoruichi sighed again as she placed...
Bleach stuff
7 deviations
King Koopa's Tickle Night
Why cant I ever win?! King Koopa said to himself angrily as he was heading back to his castle. He had been once again beaten by the Mario Bros and he was sick and tried of it as he was walking back to his castle.The sun was going down but it was still evening. King Koopa let a big yawn but was still angry but not really angry.Why did my castle have to be so far away?King Koopa sighed as he continued walking through the Mushroom Kingdom back to his own castle. Now the sun had gone down much faster and now it was night time and he wasnt close to his castle yet.Im not even *yawn* close to it yet. I want to *yawn* get there so-King Ko...
Mario stuff
5 deviations
Art Trades
51 deviations
107 deviations
136 deviations
Gifts for SassySnake
54 deviations
CE: A Very Special Halloween
"Awwww why won't you go trick-or-treating with me sis?" Ling-Shey asked her sister Shey-Ling as she took a sip of her strawberry/sushi smoothie known as Ticalpi, a Kaiju drink while sitting on the living room sofa. "Look Ling-Shey it's not like I don't wanna go trick-or-treating with you it's just that
someone has to stay here and give the kids candy right?""Hmmm I didn't think about that
alright I'll go by myself then.""Alright but be careful out there when your going it's still the afternoon." She took another sip of her smoothie again. "Speaking of trick-or-treating who are you going as?" Ling-Shey just smiled as she walked passed her s...
Contest Stories
8 deviations

Trainer Cards
2 deviations

61 deviations