Gullivers Travels 074 Bonnie and Clydethomas-gulliverian on DeviantArt

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Gullivers Travels 074 Bonnie and Clyde



"Honey are you okay?" Bonnie asked

"Nooo, save yourself," Clyde said frantically. "I'm probably not going to save this fall."

Clyde was barely hanging on to the towel. He was hungry. He was weak. He was scared.

Bonnie was scared to her. Mere inches from a Brobdingnagian, she was too weak too mover herself. They had been running all day and barely had anything to eat. Her love of her life was hanging on for almost two minutes...he knew he couldn't survive any longer. Bonnie was in denial still.

"But Clyde, I can't live without you."

"Bonnie, do you see how small we are? Run while you can. Do you see that huge foot. It's bigger than a stadium. If she comes any closer, we'd both be dead."


"Bonnie, get up and GO!"

She was crying. "Clyde..."

"NOW!" Clyde shouted before his eminent fall.

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