Karyorrhexis Thomas-Elliott-Art on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thomas-elliott-art/art/Karyorrhexis-1066431076Thomas-Elliott-Art

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Every planet has some interpretation of the being known as Karyorrhexis. This enigmatic figure is the only creature in existence to have the ability to travel time. Many scholars have devoted their lives to unraveling this mystery. Through stringent research it has been possible to divine some information about its origins.

With damage to satlites being astronomically expensive It is known that pre-colonisation earth was deveoping a suit to preform maintenance on orbiting satalites before the damage even occurred. A workable prototype was developed. However even thought it’s first test was theoretically successful the pilot never return as planned. Since then any attempt to replicate this experiment has been met with suspicious disaster, wether that be failure of machinery, withdrawal of funds at a critical moment or untimely death of a key scientist. It is speculated that Karyorrhexis is actively sabotaging any attempts at replicating time travel technology.

However deaths associated with Karyorrhexis have been documented in nearly every civilisation across the galaxy. It is inconceivable that all of these are to do with the development of time travel technology. It is thought that Karyorrhexis has their own agenda, prehaps assassinating evil individuals for the betterment of humanity. Or is it possible that peering into the abyss and experiencing things no human was ever meant to experience has lead to madness and these murders are in service of some twisted form of ethics?

This character is part of my Eskaton Universe, soon to be released as a hard back art book.

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