BehemothThitaniumPrince on DeviantArt

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ThitaniumPrince's avatar




Just one of my interpretation of the biblical behemoth.
I made also some more medieval-traditional-looking, I will upload them soon ;)
I imagined it like a fusion between Ambelodon, Hippo, Java rhino, with sauropod foots.

The Behemoth lived in the middle-east area and probably appeared in early Eocene 52 million years ago, surviving since the Iron Age. Its image remained in the ebraical miths and was described in the Bible.
In 2008 was discovered the first almost complete Behemoth, and was ipotized to belong to the deinocerates or brontotheres, but the discovery of the skeleton complete of the strange foots and of the inusual-dinosauroid tail left a mysterious alone around this beast.
It was erbivorous and lived near rivers, where it lived in a similar way to Hippos. When men developed iron weapons, able to trepass well its armoured skin they brought the Behemoths to the extinction.
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vinhavatar's avatar
It looks epic! As epic as this picture: :empllama::onfire::emplllama: