[Closed]  Auction ADOPTABLEThipkesorn on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thipkesorn/art/Closed-Auction-ADOPTABLE-819069639Thipkesorn

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[Closed] Auction ADOPTABLE



Heart Bullet    Starting bid: $50
Heart Bullet  Min increment: $1
 Heart Bullet  AB:$150

:happybounce: F2U: Bunny Blob (experiment)  

-The winner will receive a high resolution image file. Full size PNG/JPEG
Have letters/No letters (No water pattern)

 -F 2 U- Pastel Rainbow Macaron  +fav Notes:  
- +1usd(Fee) if pay by paypal
-(please be serious in bidding)
-auction ends 48h after 
Starting bid  
-Can be used in trade
-payment through Paypal only, in USD currency
-After auction ends, I will note the winner my paypal, and if I do not receive the payment within 24 hours of notification the adopt will be aution again.

thank you .......Huggle! Doraemon 2005 - Doraemon Eating 
- Please do not make extreme changes to the design.
- You are free to decide the name/gender and details. 
- Please do not claim the art as your own, and credit Thipkesorn
- If reselling, please do not sell for a higher price
Image size
1300x1600px 1.04 MB
© 2019 - 2025 Thipkesorn
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