TheYardPlayground's avatar


Years Ago
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Comments 32

anonymous's avatar
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Henzonlee's avatar
Vlad-Off-kru's avatar
Thank you very much !!
NunoCanha's avatar
Kaz-D's avatar
PEN-at-Work's avatar
Bitching about the feedback one gets should be grounds for immediate removoval from the group at once. FFS, how many actually take time to provide actual feedback.

I am not talking about a discussion, discussions are great, but about conveying the feeling to the one providing the feedback that you take it personally, and then beginning to bitch/whine/insult.

My opinion

StamatisGR's avatar
I second that.
Honestly, I have a lot of things to do,
plus a real life to take care of...
If despite my lack of time, I give feedback to someone and this someone considers this feedback as a personal attack, I think that there's no place for him in this group.