Favourite Visual Artist
Basklin, Chiara Bautista, and El Huervo
Favourite TV Shows
The X-Flies, The Walking Dead, Superstore, Pushing Daises, Parks and Recreation, Serial Experiments Lain
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Ben Folds, Crystal Boys, Carpenter Brut, Alan Parsons Project, El Huervo, Mitch Murder, Paula Cole, David Bowie, Fucking Werewolf Asso, The Unicorns, Gorillaz,... tbh this list can keep going
Favourite Games
Yume Nikki, Hotline Miami, Jet Set Radio, Dangan Ronpa, Blinx the Timesweeper, Fallouts 3-4, DOOM, Animal Crossing: Wild World, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, Deemo, The Elder Scrolls, tons of indie horror games
Favourite Gaming Platform
I kinda prefer the Xbox but hey my computer counts too.
Tools of the Trade
I use watercolors, pencils, colored pens, and my fancy micfron pens.
Other Interests
tbh all I do is shitpost and play games