TheX-Files's avatar


Years Ago
498 Members452 Watchers

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anonymous's avatar
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pp7jones's avatar

Check out my latest art for my Nekkyo-sha chronicles, it’s called The Intergalactic Cold War with X-Files characters and other alien crossover characters for my art.

SALFIRAGA999's avatar
i really would love an answer to this question. is this group active or dead?
EloAnNe's avatar
I hope it is active, but I'll stick around to see if there's still any sign of life.
Chammbrony's avatar
Hey I just started watching X-files and I am absolutely in love with it :) It's such an amazing show so I thought I'd see some fan art. How can I become a member?
spookyfoxmulder's avatar
You should be able to join by clicking "join" on the page, if that doesn't work, let me know!
vintagestyledheart's avatar
I just recently (and finally) started watching this show—I can't WAIT to get started on some fan art. :)