
What is Love?

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TheWritingDragon's avatar

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The way I see it, love is a fear.
It's mistrust and trust all in one, an escape in which to fling yourself upon the one who was trying to catch you in a daring attempt to be free.
Love is heartfelt devotion, yet a quiet distance.  The staring from afar at the one you admire can often be considered love, though the love I see is passionate and wild and contained and meaningful all at once.  It's empty and thoughtless, careful and just, and never passes a moment in which it is forgotten.
The love that I wish to feel I have never felt, only in my daydreams.  The love that I wish to feel is a love that the written word could never fully describe, one that is so romantic and casual, tamed and adoring, all in a perfect balance that lifts you upward into the sky like a feather where it could otherwise hold you chained to the stone if weighed incorrectly.
The way I see it, love is a fear.
It is a fear of the unknown, of the things that have not yet been experienced, and the things that could come about if anything wrong and unplanned were to happen.  It is a fear so great that its keeper has no choice but to release it and accept into their life something they have never before felt.
I see love as a fear because it is something that is so foreign that when it invades the mind it is a shock, yet we are so curious that we investigate the meaning of this feeling until we finally place it with a four letter word that means more than "life."  Love is a fear because when you're in love you can be afraid to take a step forward, or even one backward.  You are precariously standing on a rocky slope 500 feet above any solid ground and the only way to go is… up.
Love can only be felt for one person, and it is a fear because many have believed that they were deeply, madly in love when it was nothing more than a passing fancy.  But those who truly do fall in love are afraid because they're wise enough to think first and wonder if it really is.  The lovers have never felt this way before so… it must be something.
A fear, yes, but love is a wonderful thing.
This is for a contest featured here: [link] It is called "What is Love?" and asks for your take on love... so here's mine :)

PLEASE give me feedback because I really do enjoy it!!! :la: I want to constantly improve, so I'll never look negatively at constructive criticism!

I also entered this into a contest-themed contest! :la: check it out here: [link]

This work has been featured here: [link] :happybounce:
© 2013 - 2025 TheWritingDragon
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I read it with passion. It's the way I feel. I fear love though I like the way we feel when we're in love. I fear to be destruct by love but I want to be built again by this only feeling which is strong. All you say there means what I think of this too and I was very interested when I read this. You say all you have to say about love and you have nothing to add or to remove. It is «perfect» to me. It is not the perfection. I'm sure that you can add something more BUT fore me, you don't have nothing more to add. You describe what I would have describe yet I wouldn't be so precise because love is a feeling which is hard to give any words to it. I just simply love the way you describe it, good job here!