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Artist // Professional // Other
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (27)
Bouncing Blob: Your 5th deviation's making it jump for joy!
Disco Blob: Groovy, baby! Your 10th deviation unlocked the funk.
Gold Fragment: You went for the gold, and you got it!
My Bio

From the very beginning, I have observed the world with an altered perception. I was born def and this led me to rely on my other sensors for the first 6-8 months of my life. It may seem to be a minor amount of time to me now but the more I understand about myself the more I realised how defining this has been for me.

I learned that we all see and experience the world through a window of which is completely our own and unique. Our very specific sensors act as our personal filter over this window never revealing the whole picture just our filtered version. This lack of clarity is what gives us perspective unique and one to ourselves. Perspective allows everyone to share in the same event or experience but experience it in a completely different way.

My world view and belief is that life should be lived to the fullest and for me, that means experiencing as much of it as I can. I love this world, the universe and life itself. Imagination is where we can recreate these things but represented by our own lens. It is here that any and everything becomes possible and with this comes my passion. I love to create worlds that others can experience, create and share new memories within, while expanding their own perspectives and imagination to create their own.

So i invite you to peer through my window and observe the worlds I see it as I hope you may invite me to peer though your's so that together we may see the world a new and be inspired to create even more...

Favourite Visual Artist
Feng Zhu
Favourite Movies
Toy Story 1 2 & 3, A Bugs Life, The Incredible, Monsters Inc., The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Ironman 1 and 2, The Amazing SpiderMan, Thor, The Avengers, Captain America, Transformers 1 2 & 3, Spawn, Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book
Favourite TV Shows
Avatar The Last Air Bender, Spider man The animated Series, The Simpsons, Family Guy, DragonBall, DragonBall Z, DragonBall GT, YuGiOh, Pokemon, Doctor Who, Sherlock, The Adventures of Merlin, Goosebumps
Favourite Books
Deltora Quest, Goosebumps, Harry Potter,
Favourite Games
Crash Bandicoot (HugeFan), Prince Of Perisa, Spyro the Dragon, Midnight Club, Skyrim, Tony Hawks, PUBG, Uncharted, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Rachet and Clank, Spiderman,
Favourite Gaming Platform
All Platfroms
Tools of the Trade
Wacom Bamboo Tablet, Photoshop, Blender3D, PlatinumArtsSandbox, 3DSmax, Arbaro, MSPaint(Default For WindowsXP)

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