TheWhiteScatterbug's avatar


It's the small things that count
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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
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My Bio

Hello, there. Thanks for stopping by!

I'm Scatters and I'm a HUGE Pokemon Fan of course!

I'm a guy with a unique tastes, considering Pokemon, arts and much more.

My favourite type of Pokemon are the ones that are often overlooked, in Pokemon and also in real life.

Yes I'm talking about the wonderful creatures that are bugs. These guys can be fascinating, if you just give them a chance

My love for insects isn't just bound to Pokemon though, while I am not doing fanart, I'm actually an entomologist in the making.

About my art, my favourite part and what I excel at is making lineart.

So, drawing some with my pencils and shading them in is always fun for me.

I do not only do traditional, but also digital art. Nevertheless, I still have a ways to go at both, but I always try to improve.

With that I thank you for checking my page out and wish you a wonderful day!

If you feel like talking about Pokemon, Danganronpa or basically anything else basically, please feel free to hit me up!

See ya around and never forget: It's the small things that count in life!

Also, I play Pokemon Go!

If you want to exchange friend codes on there, I never say no to that!

My PoGo Friend code is: 1876-7015-2728.

Just leave a comment if you added me and I'll add you as soon as I can!

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The Pokemon of the year vote is taking place right now! My daily votes go to: Gen 1: Omastar Gen 2: Heracross Gen 3: Swampert Gen 4: Yanmega Gen 5: Volcarona Gen 6: Pangoro Gen 7: Golisopod Gen 8: Orbeetle
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I'm alive.

0 min read
Hello everyone, I will keep this short. Basically I've been busy with studying (I'm doing my masters right now) and also, well, I've been dealing with anxiety and continuous artist block over the last year, so that's why I haven't been posting, or even logging in. And not getting any new artwork done, I've been not feeling like logging in either, mostly because logging in here would remind me of my non existent works in progress. I hope that makes sense. The last couple days I finally got around around to actually create something, I'm very happy about that, so I got the confidence to log back on. I didn't even know until now that there were these big updates to the site, haha. But anyways, I want to get back more into drawing, at least more than... nothing a year, so while uploads will be scarce most likely, I'll upload and check here more than I have been. I apologize for my absense and hope you all had a good start in 2020 and enjoyed Sword and Shield! Thank you for sticking
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Profile Comments 1.6K

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undiscoveredgenius's avatar

Thank you for the llama! :D

TheWhiteScatterbug's avatar

You're very welcome!

PitchBlackEspresso's avatar

(i reckon enough time has passed for me to realize that the mentions system on dA is broken, and that you did notb get a notification)

 but in case you didn't see, you won my raffle from back in december!

TheWhiteScatterbug's avatar

Oh wow, yeah I never got any notification from that mention unfortunately and didn't get around to check my journal inbox.

I'm really sorry for not answering any sooner, but I really appreciate you reaching out to me this way instead! I'll be messaging you via DM!

StarScout-lost's avatar

Thank you very much for the fave and watch! :happybounce:

TheWhiteScatterbug's avatar

You're very welcome!

FankiFalu's avatar

I love your arts and your art-style is what I always seek.

I'd like  to collab with you someday (not now because I'm busy these days) :handshake: