Bereto x Rhea MistletoeTheVindicators on DeviantArt

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Bereto x Rhea Mistletoe



Second Mistletoe art, this time for Lady Rhea which she is taken by surprise from the kiss.

Shamir's next

Usually Shamir goes first in these things, and Beresu last.
Image size
2000x2500px 2.5 MB
© 2021 - 2025 TheVindicators
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RealityClassics's avatar

Aww, now that is just wholesome. Love some of the little details, like Rhea shedding a few tears of happiness (the kiss may have been a surprise, but that just makes the gesture mean even more to someone like her), the whole picture is just so romantic.

Great job! Can't wait to see the Shamir one (and also, good work on the female Byleth one as well).