[FoD -22] Week 4 - WindTheUnisieppari on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/theunisieppari/art/FoD-22-Week-4-Wind-913873451TheUnisieppari

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[FoD -22] Week 4 - Wind



Koi family is helping with some cleaning around the festival grounds. Sand Strider 1041 shows Stone Skipper 13086 how wind magic works so they can "help" auntie Pooky 2611.

The festival grounds never stay clean, both before, during, and after the festival events! That mess needs cleaning, prior this job would have taken a large team hours. But with the help of a bit of magic, the kukuris can clean the grounds quickly!

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momma-kuku's avatar

The trash flew around the festival grounds in such speed, oh my! Stone Skipper tried her best to catch the soaring paper cups, that kept hitting her in the face in the midst of all the chaos. As Sand Strider herded the wildly spinning and twirling memoirs of last evening's fun times, Pooky sat still at the table, grumbling under her breath - trying to keep the brightly colored tablecloth from ending the same as the trash she had meticulously gathered earlier. Oh well...

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