Arby's Suprise Birthday Party by tetsigawind, literature
Arby's Suprise Birthday Party
Arby's Suprise Birthday PartyBy:tetsigawindAt The Headquarters Of The Skitzo League aka tet's Basementtetsigawind: Hey everyone I'm glad you guys came, this is a surprise birthday party for Arby cause he has done so much for us and everything.Angelito-soldado: I'm the newest member so I don't know what he has done.tetsigawind: Arby came up the idea for the group and everything and brought us together.Angelito-soldado: Oh okay.FeudalPrincess: How bout the girls and I make a choclate cake for Arby and on it it can say Happy Birthday Arby From The Skitzo League.Tetsigawind: Yea that sounds Good and I bet it tastes goodFeudalPrincess: It will....
nusu-uchida and tets's Date by tetsigawind, literature
nusu-uchida and tets's Date
nusu-uchida and tets's Dateby: tetsigawindNote: This happens after episode 10 parts 1-3. Also, there's some YouTube videos that are important for this episode so yeah.While everyone is talking, tets is getting ready for the most important night of his life.*tets comes out in a suit and tie and everything*ArbyMaster458: Hey tets whats the ocassion with the suit and everything?tetsigawind: Well I thought me and nusu-uchida would like to go out on a date.ArbyMaster458: Cool tets, I hope your date goes good.Tetsigawind: Thanks Arby but the problem is that I'm as nervous as when we found this league or worse! I love her Arby, I love her a lot. ...
tets's greatest storyby: tetsigawind*The boys were at home doing they're leisure time. Arby was playing Metal Gear Solid 4, and Slash was fast asleep in a chair, Reos was listening to music and the rest went out shopping*tetsigawind: Hey guys, now that we have some peace and quiet, wanna hear a story? I know Arby wants to hear this story.ArbyMaster458: what story is that?tetsigawind: It's the story of how Patty and I met.Arbymaster458: OH HELL YEAH! I wanna hear that story, let me go wake up Slash.*Arby sneaks over with a Chinese gong and a wooden spoon and bangs it close to Slash's ear, and making Slash shoot up and fall down*slash12: Dan...
The Background on The Skitzo L by tetsigawind, literature
The Background on The Skitzo L
The Background on The Skitzo LeagueBy: tetsigawindThis is the background on The Skitzo League The Skitzo League was as Original Named The Skitzo 4 It was just tetsigawind, ArbyMaster458 FedualPrincess and ReoSpeedwagon. But over time we added members and now we are up to 29 Members.The HistoryArby was just minding his own business when good old me (tetsigawind) stopped by for some help. I needed help editing some stories and didn't know who to turn to. So I went to Arby to help me in my time of need. Of course, he was generous enough to help one of his dA friends. Amazing enough, Arby portrayed some good editing skills, I was pretty much i...
The Skitzo League Search Engin by tetsigawind, literature
The Skitzo League Search Engin
The Skitzo League Search EngineBy: tetsigawindEveryone is in tets's basement talking about various stuff but they see they're leader, founder, and devoted friend tets working hard over his laptop. He was slouched over his laptop with his eyes glued to the screen and his fingers were typing a lot.Reo Speedwagon: I wonder what he is doing?slash12: I don't know Reos. Arby, you've known tets the longest, you go ask him what's going on.ArbyMaster458: Okay.*Arby walks over to tets*ArbyMaster458: Hey tets.No answer. Pissed off that tets is not responding, Arby gets out his voice enhancer and says...Arby: Hey tets!tetsigawind: Oh Hey Arby, how are...
It's to know and get along with other members, and having a great time, and building amazing stories together and helping out each other. Arbymaster458 Our Co-Founder even will make a story with you in it.
a group where all art is available, as well as supporting MARVEL, SHONEN JUMP, NaruHina, Weapons Art, Video Games, KFC, Ponies, stories from anyone in our group and more, and I, ArbyMaster458, put ur avatar in a story series in the near future, y?