TheShepardEffect's avatar


Mass Effect Series
Years Ago
36 Members47 Watchers

Comments 9

anonymous's avatar
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JadeTrentRenders's avatar
I so wish I could get this and my other groups back :( 
GothicGamerXIV's avatar
Founder of this group deactivated her account. R.I.P. this group. :(
UweG's avatar
Thank you so much for all the requests. :)
JadedGames's avatar
GFSLEGION's avatar
Hi I have a question: I am not sure if I understand Rule Nr. 4 of the group. Can you explain that to me more exactly, please? Thank you.
JadedGames's avatar
It cannot be explained. It says it right in rule 4!
TexD41's avatar
thanks for the request!.

ummm, I noticed you put my pic of the quarian and the girl on "female shepard" ^^; but I need to say that these two are Ocs ^^