Pop of SparkletheRyanna on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/theryanna/art/Pop-of-Sparkle-487329881theRyanna

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theRyanna's avatar

Pop of Sparkle



Show: WBS Leftover Show

RMS Smoke N Gun
Handled by Amelia Shepard
Competing in Showmanship
Show Number: #261

It was the start of a new day. Finally Gunner has seemed to regain his energy like normal. He was snappy responding to ques as Amelia schooled him quickly outside the arena. They practiced their haunch turn and a few transitions to make sure Gunner was reading her well enough and taking off at whatever speed she asked. Today seemed to be the one for Gunner as he was a little spunky even and ready to work. It was good though, he had a long day of classes coming after this. This showmanship class was a nice way to ease him into the insanity that was coming with the rest of the day. After this there were endless saddle classes they were doing. Hopefully by the end when they did in-hand trail Gunner wasn't so tired he would fall over. But as they walked into the arena neither had any time to think about what was to come. Amelia put on a smile as she approached the judge and got ready to defeat this pattern.
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750x608px 434.33 KB
© 2014 - 2025 theRyanna
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painted-cowgirl's avatar
This turned out beautiful! I can't decide if I'd like to enter or not...probably won't have the time, buutttt I will be cheering on you're beautiful boy!