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Art: accuracy be damned!
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Deviation Spotlight

Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
My Bio

Current Residence: USA
Favourite genre of music: most any music, as long as its a good song
Favourite photographer: My friend Kitty. She's silly.
Favourite style of art: Ummmm.... COMIC BOOX! X3
Operating System: MAH HANDS 'N MAH MIND (though I'm not always sure about that second one...)
Shell of choice: FISH!
Skin of choice: Um... human?
Favourite cartoon character: Suki, Toph: Avatar; Tess: Jak and Daxter; Midna: Zelda; ALL of the main characters from Runaways
Personal Quote: "Indeed."

Favourite Visual Artist
Luis Royo, Yoshitaka Amano, Bob Rafei, Adrian Alphona
Favourite Movies
Too many to name, which is why they are not listed here; ask me
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Also too many to be put into this space; ask me
Favourite Writers
Maya Angelou, Mercedes Lackey, more that would take up too much room
Favourite Games
Zelda, Jak and Daxter series, Final Fantasy. I even indulge in pokemon on occasion.
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2 and Gamecube
Tools of the Trade
E.P.O.D.- Editing Pen Of Doom and pencils of any type and my Markers
Other Interests
aikido, shinkendo, and other forms of carnage that I am allowed to cause; RUNAWAYS (comic); DXP!
bitesizesamurai.deviantart.comYou will gooooo to the new account...bitesizesamurai.deviantart.comYou will add the new account insteeeaaad...bitesizesamurai.deviantart.comGooo to the new account...bitesizesamurai.deviantart.comGooooo...[I've started to load art onto my new(er) account.  Right now there's about, oh... one piece up.  But, you know, go add it anyway.][I have another deviantart.  It's BiteSizeSamurai and I'll be reposting/normal posting my good/acceptable/salvageable art to it.  So, if you still wanna follow my art or whatnot, I'll leave another post once I've started switching everything over.  Just so ya'll knows.]
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Rockhurst?  Epic fail.Kansas City Art Institute, anyone?EDIT: And by KCAI I mean UNO.  Well, at least my dreams haven't entirely shattered?
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And Tony, I'm looking at you (sorry, but you've become my art/Japanese language reference guy).  Melissa too.  You're a teacher, you know what teacher-like peoples look for.  Others can give ideas too, if they come up with one.Okay, so this may seem kind of weird, but I need help getting ideas for what I'm going to DO for my independent study in art next semester.Here's the gist of what I'm doing: comic book art.  Okay, more detail.Read this starting with the fact that I need at least 3 credit hours, maybe one 1 more if I can finagle it in there. For a lot of these ideas, the main point is character anatomy and the human features in a comi...
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Profile Comments 115

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DemonMathiel's avatar
Thank you for the :+fav: :fuzzydemon:
retrorobotboy's avatar
Thanks, glad you dig it!
cool-slayer's avatar
I know it's a late reply, but thanks a lot for faving, I appreciate it! :)
Sanaril's avatar
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my page :D
Galhad's avatar
Many, many thanks for the:+fav:
PoetryOD's avatar
Thank you so much for the fave on my 3rd DD 'Branches and Apricots' on March 22nd. I have only had my camera for about 10 months so this kind of encouragement is amazing. Thank you so much :heart:
TheOriginalCelcius's avatar
No problem. I love the picture, it's so simple, and beautiful at the same time. Plus, I love blossom flowers. :3