Attention all members, there is a new development! by magshi, journal
Attention all members, there is a new development!
The order of Mata-Nui now has an official Phantasy Star Online 2 Alliance! For those of you, like me, that play Phantasy Star Online 2, i've created a means of allowing all of us to meet in-game! More details below.
Now, for those of you that might not know what an alliance is, or those who aren't PS02 players, an alliance is essentially a group, much like this one, but in PS02. For those of you
that have formed "clans" or anything similar in other games, this is pretty much the same thing, except its an actual in game feature as well.
With introductions and basic explanations out of the way, here are the details. The name of the alliance is OrderOfMata-Nui, spelled exactly like that, no spaces. (Character limits, am i right?) As for me, my PS02 ID is the same as my XBOX Gamertag, Mage Yoshi, and you will usually see me playing as my main Character, a CAST named Torak. (Look for blue and yellow, those are my colors). You can find me on Ship 02.
To make it easier to recognize each
The way they handled things didn't really suggest they'd do another run with this, it was clearly just a quick buck on nostalgia and didn't even have the same amount of content and endorsement behind it as G1 did.
Greetings, fellow Bionicle fans! Although I wasn't successful trying to arrange a Bionicle 15th anniversary collaboration, I did create a tribute of my own! I hope you guys like it.
Hey, Bionicle fans! As well as my collab idea, I have something else to share with you: my playthrough of Bionicle: The Game with a couple of friends! We don't take things very seriously, so hopefully you might find some amusement from it.
Hey, fellow Bionicle fans! I'm sure you're aware that the 15th anniversary of our beloved series is fast approaching, right? Well, you might want to read this journal of mine. I have an idea for a huge collab! ->…