Deviation Actions
One of my fellow lung transplant friends will be celebrating his 5-Year “Lungaversary.” He and his wife have been married for over 40 years. I found out on Star Wars Day (4 May), that their first date was to see, Star Wars: Episode IV, A New Hope, when it debuted in 1977.
She asked for some Star Wars themed Before & After AI images of themselves.
Your thoughts, prayers, and well-wishes for this couple would be greatly appreciated.
Prompt:A beautiful Caucasian woman, similar in appearance to Jennifer Aniston, at age 29, oval face, light brown hair in a face-frame style, dressed as a Star Wars Jedi knight in a lavender robe, standing next to a Caucasian man, similar to Steve Carell, with brown hair, receding hairline, dressed as a Star Wars Jedi Knight, wearing a dark blue robe. Both are on a planet wielding light sabers.