Yesterday, my cousin took his own life.
We don't know why and no one saw that coming.
I saw his last goodbye on Instagram too late.
So this post is for everyone who is planning to do the same: talk to someone.
I don't have the presumption to know what's like to feel that way or how hard it must be to talk to others about it, but I beg you, try.
Try to muster the strenght to look for help.
Because someone willing to do so there will always be.
No matter how lonely you might feel, someone will suffer when you are gone.
Even if it's just one person, their heart will still break.
And this means that you do matter, that you are important.
Maybe you think that isn't true, because no one has noticed your struggle, but that's just because people can be blind and choose not to see, especially if it's something unpleasant or scary.
You can help them see and ask for them to took your hand, so you can try to walk through it together.
I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, Manu.
I hope you have