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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (148)
My Bio

Just another fan of anime, star wars, star trek, video games (mainly rpg's). I enjoy collecting the action figures or dolls (it doesn't matter to me what you call them)of each genre. I am no artist, I just like to show off my collection of figures.

Current Residence: Cali

deviantWEAR sizing preference: large

Favourite genre of music: Alternative

Operating System: windows 7

MP3 player of choice: Ps vita

Shell of choice: a thin candy shell

Favourite cartoon character: Rocko, Sana Kurata, tsukasa, Daria

Personal Quote: When you are large you gotta live large!

MFC Account…


Favourite Movies
Kill Bill, Starship Troopers, Waiting, Star Trek II The Wrath of Kahn, A clockwork orange, Back to the Future
Favourite TV Shows
Futurama, Community, The Twilight Zone
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Johnny Cash, Rush, Guns n' Roses, Ennio Morricone
Favourite Books
Stranger in a Strange land, Slum Online, Of Mice and Men, A farewell to arms
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy IV, Pigskin Footbrawl, WCW Vs. NWO world tour
Favourite Gaming Platform
wii, psp, dsi, ps2
Tools of the Trade
I'm just an A-hole with a camera
Other Interests
Games, Anime, Collecting
I had a good week taking pics of my figures and I hope you guys enjoyed all my pics and comics.  I really tried to hit 100 deviations but I couldn't do it, oh well. Sorry for not picking up on my old comics I just need the right figures for a comic to be decent. I really haven't talked about myself and how I got into collecting figures. I was looking through this toyfare magazine and saw the revoltech figure of Asuka Langley Shoryu and I was so impressed with the detail and articulation I wanted to get it but didn't know anything about her. So I read that she was in anime called Neon Genesis Evangelion and I bought the dvd collection and w...
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LookBookCatBAI's avatar
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy
Journey into the Heart of the Galaxy

Hi! I’ve recently added new artworks to my galleries and would love to hear your thoughts. Your feedback is truly valuable, and I’m always excited to know how my creations resonate with you!

AnimatorAR's avatar

Thank you for the watch.  *hugs*

DaTallCanuck's avatar

Thanks for the Fave - much appreciate!

Pizzaundbier's avatar

Thanks for faving

Protection of the flanks

May the Force be with you! :)

ThePrincessRobotRoom's avatar
egocenter's avatar

Thanks for the fave!!