TheMuseumOfJeanette's avatar


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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
Twist Fate: I commented on Twist Fate!
DeviantArt Originals: Participated in April Fools' Day 2018
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Gold Coin 2023: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (1)
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Hey guys I'm a person who loves meeting new people and loves to draw in my free time. I'm living the life. Any questions feel free to ask I welcome anybody.


Luis Suarez stamp by MissNo1 Cristiano Ronaldo Stamp by Ketty-Lion Ibra by ale1985
Walking Dead Stamp III by Krisderp Riverdale by AdrianaFilip Criminal Minds Stamp by TheBaileyMonster
I love my watchers by KillboxGraphics Hug watchers stamp by ARTic-Weather Marvel Stamp by foreverastone
The Vampire Diaries stamp by kas7ia Untitled by Untitled by
Daredevil Stamp by limav
[MMPR] Jason Lee Scott Stamp by Gasara
Assassin's Creed by Desaesed Assassin's Creed by legomykeyblade
Untitled by Metal Gear Solid Stamp by Sonira-Stamps Ocelot Stamp by Patheh
Big Boss by Patheh Naked Snake by Patheh EVA by Patheh The Boss by Patheh
Soild Snake by Patheh Liquid Snake by Patheh Revolver Ocelot by Patheh
MARVEL X-Men First Class Stamp by TwilightProwler Wolverine Stamp by road-traveller Deviant Stamp: Erik Lehnsherr by MutantPiratePrincess
Spider-Man movies - stamp by AngiShyArt Amazing Spider-Man Stamp by foreverastone MARVEL Peter + Gwen Cute Stamp by TwilightProwler MARVEL Peter + Gwen Stamp by TwilightProwler
Attack on Titan stamp by SolusNox Fairy Tail stamp by SolusNox Ichigo Sword Stamp by uiopuiop Naruto Uzumaki Stamp by uiopuiop
Untitled by One Piece stamp by SolusNox Inuyasha Stamp by DemitriaMiriam
Attack On Titan Stamp by uiopuiop shingeki no kyojin: Eren x Mikasa by SakamakiJustine shingeki no kyojin: petra x levi (rivetra) by SakamakiJustine
Levi stamp by Superpluplush Eren stamp by Superpluplush Mikasa stamp by Superpluplush
Levi x Petra Stamp by RoxyOxygen Stamp Request: Petra Ral by Lily-de-Wakabayashi Untitled by
Naruto Stamp by Tsuba-chama Untitled by :iconteam7plz:
Naruto Lover Stamp by Immature-Child02 Naruto Stamp by AdryJustend :Comission: Sakura Stamp by itz-Cindyrella
Untitled by sasuke stamp by SakamakiJustine Sasuke and Itachi Stamp by RandomTons
Karin Stamp 2 by Hobbo-chan Karin - Stamp by FoxesAndCherries NaruSaku Stamp manga 663 by BarbiiHaruno
Badge: Team Taka by TheRedKunoichi Team Taka 01 by DoctorMLoli Stamp -Bleach- IchiRuki 03 by PJXD23
Fan stamp bleach by HavickArt Rukia Stamp by Kibby47 Ichigo Stamp by DarknessMyrkur
Ulquiorra Stamp XV by DarknessMyrkur Byakuya The Petal by DK-DarkKitty Former Espada Stamp - Neliel by MissBezz
NaruSaku stamp by RockRaven-LG NaruSaku Stamp by Shay-Sama narusaku future by Shukaku-andbijusFC
narusaku stamp by shary12 Naruto: SasuKarin Stamp 02 by zwinkyaddicted Naruto: SasuKarin Stamp by zwinkyaddicted
Deidara stamp by AirRider Untitled by konan stamp by ivivistar
karin stamp by ivivistar Uchiha Brother Love Stamp by cherubchan Itachi Stamp by CatherineHH
FT: Natsu stamp oo1 by Kaze-yo Erza Scarlet stamp by YuikoHeartless Fairy Tail stamp 2 by HavickArt loke x lucy stamp by SakamakiJustine
Stamp-Natsu by SunforJanuary FT: Natsu vs. Erza stamp by Kaze-yo Fairy Tail Stamp 2 by whiteflamingo
I love crack pairings by Kirichan-Inuyasha Worst Pairings Ever by 801420 Naruto-stamp by kairiSparda
:iconlinkstamp1plz::iconlinkstamp2plz: Pokemon - Ash Lover Stamp by Katsu14 Untitled by

Favourite Movies
Marvel Movies, Wedding Crashers, Romeo Must Die, Just Friends, Zombieland
Favourite TV Shows
The Walking Dead, Casa de Papel, Riverdale, Criminal Minds, The Originals, Vampire Diaries (season 1-4) -not really TV but wanted to add it- Attack on Titan/Shingeki-no-Kyojin Naruto, Bleach, Family Guy,
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
J. Balvin, Lana Del Rey, The Notorious B.I.G, Lil Wayne, Drake, Chris Brown,
Favourite Games
Bioshock Series, Gears of War Series, Metal Gear Solid Series, Assassin's Creed series, Fallout series
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox One (previously Xbox 360/PS3)
Other Interests
Watching football (soccer), watching boxing

Profile Comments 371

anonymous's avatar
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TheMuseumOfJeanette's avatar

To the person who gifted me core, I don't know if you'll ever see this, but thank you. You honestly made my day. I wish I could thank you personally, but this will have to do!

PokeRish's avatar

I love your work ! Your such an incredible artist

TheMuseumOfJeanette's avatar

Thank you so much, that's very flattering! :hug:

birthdays's avatar


On behalf of the birthdays team, I sincerely apologize that your greeting has arrived late this year.

We hope you had an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!

Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team.

This greeting was brought to you by @KoudelkaW

WilHewson's avatar


In my most honest opinion

You're a Really Good Artist!

TheMuseumOfJeanette's avatar

Thank you that's very kind of you!