Animal Abuse StampTheMoonRaven on DeviantArt

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Animal Abuse Stamp



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I'm dead serious.
It makes me ashamed of being a part of the human kind.

This dog was abused, this is his first time getting love.…
I teared up over this.

Be careful while shopping, i would NOT buy anything of fur or leather.
That leather purse of yours, might be from a dog.
"Made in China" DO NOT BUY IT
Here's china's furfarms... I warn you, this IS VERY DISTURBING……

I exist for the animals.

Stamp template (c) zilla774
Image size
99x54px 12.54 KB
© 2016 - 2025 TheMoonRaven
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mjayjetplane's avatar

the stupidest petty comeback is literally "HiTLeR LiKEd AnIMaLs"

geez I'v ebeen tolkd this before. ok. so.... WHO am I offending when i say animal haters/abusers are psychopaths? and why? why does animal rights need to be contradicted, escpecially since I was the Jewish one in this conversation. so yeah, using hitler for an argument, like come on!

Anyways if you use the hitler argument about abuse, then respectfully sew your mouth shut. because I'm sorry you can't handle animal abusers are evil.

Hitler AND animal abusers are both despicable