Stock rules and stuff

3 min read

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TheMidasTouch's avatar

So I'm trying to upload more stock and reference type material and such and because of this I figured I might need a proper rules/guideline sort of thing for using my stock (if anyone can find a use for it, anyway.)

Most of the stock I upload will be of bones/skulls and  horse stock. However, if anyone would like other stock of other animals, of things like dogs/cats and the like, feel free to note me a request and I'll see what I can do.

Some of my photography folder stuff will also be found in my stock image folder, but not all of my photography stuff is also going to be stock, so please stick to only using images actually found IN my stock folder only.

* You do not need to ask me permission to use my stock, but please credit me in the image description or on the image itself.

* It is not required but I would LOVE it if you left me a link to what you made with any of my images.

* If you use my images please, actually DO something with them, don't just tweak the color a little or slap some text on there.

* Do not claim my images as your own.

* No using them for pornographic stuff/hate stuff and such.

* Feel free to use them for bloody/gorey stuff, I love horror type art and have no problem with anyone doing stuff like that with my stock, fully zombify those things if you want!

* Please ask before using them off-site.

I think that's all, my rules may be subject to change though at some point, at which point this will be updated.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

And finally, I will probably not be posting dog images as stock, simply because there doesn't seem to be very high demand for dog stock. However, if you want stock or a certain image of one of my dogs you would like to use as stock, feel free to ask and I'll definitely consider it. :3

Peace out dudes~

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RioHEE81's avatar
May I use your stock off-site (will also be uploaded here) on