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Deviation Spotlight

  • Jan 6, 1991
  • France
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • He / Him
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (56)
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Two Scoops: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez Blackberry Badge
My Bio

I'm french guy living in Paris. I've always been interested by Art, but never succes to start drawing seriously. I LOVE music. I can't spend a day without her...if i don't listen music i start to feel bad, and get anxious (some peoples say i'm an addict). I'm also an addict to my franco-english dictionary. Except for spanish and french i suck in have pity for my mistakes.

That's all for the moment. I hope you'll like what I do !!!

Current Residence: Paris
Favourite genre of music: Mmmh...Rock, Psycobilly, Funk, Blues, Metal, Celtic, Psy-Trance, Rap, Folk...and more !!!
Favourite style of art: Painting
Operating System: Windows
MP3 player of choice: Philips Go Gear Ariaz
Favourite cartoon character: Sponge Bob, Marvin the martian, Wile E. Coyote, Taz, Ralph Wigum
Personal Quote: Never be ashamed of what you look like.

Favourite Visual Artist
Dali , Klimt, John Howe, Banksy, Alan Lee, Ted Nasmith, T. Bradstreet
Favourite Movies
Tarantino's movies, LoTR, The Good The Bad & The Ugly; Clockwork orange, Holy Grail
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Funkadelic, Led Zeppelin, RATM, Shaka Ponk, Lou Reed, The Who, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix(in Live)
Favourite Writers
Michael Moorcock, Tolkien, Robin Hobb, Perez Reverte
Favourite Games
TW serie, TES
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
Music, Mythology, drawing, photography

Black Bombaim

0 min read
Hi, let me introduce you to a band I've discovered few month ago, and already one of my favourite : BLACK BOMBAIM.They are from Portugal, and have one of the most astonishing sound I've ever heard. They play a very heavy psychedelic rock, kind of hallucinogenic fuzzy aerial stoner metal. Their music is mostly, if not completly, instrumental. The songs last at least 10 min and are played like an intense and feverish jam session. Forgive all the music codes you learned, no verse, no chorus, just the musicians offering you a unique trip with their music. Yes just three, sometime a saxophonist (like the legendary Steve Mackay !!!!) or a vocali...
anonymous's avatar
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0 min read
Exams just finished and the least I can say I rarely felt sooooooooooooo relaxed.This week start the month I've been waiting so long : May, the month of the concerts. I've always wondered why there is so many shows on May ?This week the best band on Stage in the whole World : FISHBONE. It's the second time I'll see them on live. Everybody looking for a incredibly powerful show, full of life and happyness should go to a fishbone show. Their records may not be the best I've heard (I'm a fan but don't listen it very often) but on stage their are unmatched. For example Gogol Bordello only represent 30 % of the energy that Fishbone can spread i...
anonymous's avatar
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Last week (November 19th) I went to see gogol Bordello. It's the 2nd time I go to one of their show and it still as awesome as the first time. Not much to say except that they are one of the friendliest band I've ever seen. A usual everybody was dancing, jumping madly, and as always I went back to home incredibly tired, happy, and wet :D They talked to some peoples before the show, interacted with the audience and sharing happiness, and played VERY GOOD music. Sadly some members of the original band wasn't here. I also met an unexpected person, kind of a friend, at the it was a great show !!! EVERYBODIES MUST see Gogol Bordell...
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CBSites's avatar

Hey Maggotbrain.   You still doing the FUNK???  Drop me a line if your still around.

Nakalololo's avatar
Merci pour le favoris !
AshiharaLover's avatar
Ohh, and monsieur, you live in Paris!! So jealous !! 
AshiharaLover's avatar
AshiharaLover's avatar
Hej, since you're The maggot brain, I think you would like this..…
Frog dance 
TheMaggotBrain's avatar
Of course I know funky Fred Wesley :D !!! The Horny Horns (Fred Wesley, Maceo Parker, Rick Gardner and Richard Griffith) was one the coolest musical section ever !!!