I'm french guy living in Paris. I've always been interested by Art, but never succes to start drawing seriously. I LOVE music. I can't spend a day without her...if i don't listen music i start to feel bad, and get anxious (some peoples say i'm an addict). I'm also an addict to my franco-english dictionary. Except for spanish and french i suck in languages...so have pity for my mistakes.
That's all for the moment. I hope you'll like what I do !!!
Current Residence: Paris
Favourite genre of music: Mmmh...Rock, Psycobilly, Funk, Blues, Metal, Celtic, Psy-Trance, Rap, Folk...and more !!!
Favourite style of art: Painting
Operating System: Windows
MP3 player of choice: Philips Go Gear Ariaz
Favourite cartoon character: Sponge Bob, Marvin the martian, Wile E. Coyote, Taz, Ralph Wigum
Personal Quote: Never be ashamed of what you look like.
Hey Maggotbrain. You still doing the FUNK??? Drop me a line if your still around.