Royal EmbraceTheLovelySlumber on DeviantArt

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Royal Embrace



Lady Cygna stood perfectly still, the noble bird, even deep in trance, holding her back straight with graceful poise. Her serpentine suitor licked his lips as he gazed upon the hypnotized Swanna, eyes bright and wide with gold and emerald whorls, the symbol of his hold over her dazed and drowsy mind. "M'lady, you simply must accompany me tonight. Surely, you would not turn down the invitation of a King."
She nodded sleepily. "Yes, Lord Hedera. It is an honor to be in thine presence."
The Serperior brought his thick coils up and around her downy chest. "Oh, do trust me, M'lady. It is an honor to be in your...abundant presence." Whether he simply wished to toy with her, or if he desired to welcome her into his maw as a willing feast, the avian was far too enthralled to offer any objections to his imperious decree. With a demure smile upon her beak, Cygna sunk into the soft scaly hug of her new monarch. "Your fealty is most appreciated..."
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Auroracuno's avatar

The world needs more hypnotized birbs.