Library Late-Nights pt. 12/42TheLovelySlumber on DeviantArt

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Library Late-Nights pt. 12/42



Sylvia clutched the book in her hand.
“The Joy of Hypnosis: The Wonderful World of Reshaping Your Mind”
Something tingled in the back of her brain. Hypnosis? Something about the very word drew her attention. She turned it around the read the back:

     “Rule over your mentality through therapeutic techniques used for decades! Learn to hypnotize yourself and others and coax out the best version of you. Build confidence, improve your focus, even maximize your pleasures and experience the things you enjoy in life in a new light; everything from your hobbies, goals, to even your sex life! Enter deep trances and become the master of your own mind!”

The librarian raised an eyebrow. She couldn’t help it: something was beckoning her to read it. She sat back down at her work desk and began poring over the pages. She absorbed the contents quickly, not entirely understanding her sudden obsession with the concept. But everything else was set aside. Her work went mostly undone that night as she delved into the book’s lectures of self-hypnosis and mesmerism, a grinning Kaa watching her with delight.

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Or she will make Kaa her pet, with help of book