Writer's Memethelittlea on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thelittlea/art/Writer-s-Meme-329916757thelittlea

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Writer's Meme



I have finally finished the writer's meme that I told :iconanimelovea: I would make. Please have fun!

Don't forget to credit me, please.


Because :iconanimelovea: decided to bitch at me (and threatened to sue me) here:

The bitch slap idea came from when my BEST FRIEND (take note that you are my best friend, so you shouldn't be so bitchy about it) was writing a story and there was a moment where Sebastian found Alois and Ciel in a closet. At that moment in time I wanted Sebastian to bitch slap Alois.

I saw no reason earlier to put this up because I was not stealing or using ideas that were not mine, only saying what was going on in my mind at that current moment (which in case she doesn't know I do own my mind). I mearly said "For those of you who know of Black Butler... [I want] Sebatian [to] bitch [slap] Alois" (thelittlea 6). (Yes I did quote myself.) In no way does that talk about my friends story or her ideas. It merely talks about my feelings.

I hope that you will all come to see things my way. (I've been writing a lot of papers where I have had to quote and try to support my ideas lately.)

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709x4076px 251.99 KB
© 2012 - 2025 thelittlea
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Ipartyinthegraveyard's avatar
OMG YES it would have been awesome if sebastion just out of the blue bitch slapped Alois.