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TheLeonardFr33m4n on DeviantArt
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Surely most of you when trying to download a pirated program/game, at least once had to go through this, and so, I wasn't the exception
Those freaking buttons don't have any feelings.... if you pressed one, there was 99.9 odds of redirecting you to a porn page...._.XD
Those freaking buttons don't have any feelings.... if you pressed one, there was 99.9 odds of redirecting you to a porn page...._.XD
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640x640px 43.13 KB
© 2020 - 2025 TheLeonardFr33m4n
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Cuando te toca elegir...
Y no sabes si las que elegirás será la mala opción.
Así me pasa a mi, no sé con cual quedarme.
Total, no elijo a ninguno me voy por un ladito o aveces resuelvo la cosa mezclando.