Thousand Week Reich - U.S. Territory of SakhalinTheKutKu on DeviantArt

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Thousand Week Reich - U.S. Territory of Sakhalin



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Sakhalin is an island located north of the Japanese Island of Hokkaido, after the intense Russo-Japanese war it was divided between the Russian and later Soviet North Sakhalin at the 50th parallel and the Japanese Karafuto prefecture, the island has a harsh and cold climate but has plenty of coal, and Japan brought dozens of thousands of worker, and as many korean forced labour to the island. Japan always eyed the northern half of the island but refrained from doing so after the disaster in Khalkhin Gol, however the succesful german invasion of the soviet union would later change their mind, as the Soviet front line in europe was falling apart the japanese army launched a swift attack against the rest of the island, the poorly defended Sakhalin oblast fell in three weeks without heavy casualties, Japan continued to bring labor to the island, as the war turned for the worst for Japan the United States decided to launch an invasion of the island, to help the eastern soviet remnant, and to have a second base of operation like Okinawa in preparation of a potential invasion of the home islands, however after the nuclear bombings of japan by the United States and the subsequent surrender the US Army never managed to capture the whole island.

Still the vast ressources of the islands and its ideal location to help the remnant of the Soviet Union in the cold war that was already shaping made the US annex the island, the military government gave the opportunity to the workers to go back to their respective countries, and nearly 60% of the 150,000 koreans workers did, finally able to live in a sovereign Korea, but the same wasn't true for the Japanese and the Russian, whose homeland was destroyed by the wars, succesful prospection brought many american investors and as the U.S. built several bases over the island its economy boomed, helped by dozens of thousands of Russian and Japanese workers who had lost everything in the wars, as the new Russian Republic, China and Japan stabilized in the 50s the United States shifted their focus from Asia to Europe, the economy of Sakhalin was self sufficient, and its population grew by nearly 50% in a little bit more than a decade.

In 1963, the Reich stands defeated, but the question of the russian successor state is still unsolved, with several states still claiming siberia, and with a more and more aggressive Republic Of China the United States are focusing back to Asia, and in recent years more troups were sent to Sakhalin. Meanwhile the inhabitants of the island start to want representations, as the island is still under military occupation, more and more people from the various ethnic groups of the island want a civilian government, and with the recent admission of Alaska to the union, some even harbour desires of statehood

Thanks to u/RiketVs

' for his Flag Design.
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