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anonymous's avatar
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Alizarinna's avatar

As the group seems to be abandoned... Here's two work on the Wannabe supers from Incredibles 2.

Frozone found his super suit…and a few other supers with freezing powers!
Commission - Some Cool People by TamarinFrog
LaceyPowerPuffGirl's avatar
Violet Parr - Supersuit by LaceyPowerPuff   Violet Parr by LaceyPowerPuff  
these r from the movie!!! 
CapAshy's avatar
Don't want to sound rude or anything... But I've been waiting for my artwork to be accepted for a while. Is anyone even here?
MissWeavile's avatar
Samtastic-V3's avatar
Is anyone still taking care of this group? I've submitted a couple things, but none of them have been approved or denied, they've just expired.
innactpro's avatar
Sorry. This has been neglected for certain. I am currently doing some housekeeping for the group. You should see some activity soon. Other things in life became too distracting.