My nature is Space
I have little stories
written in constellations
stars that breath
in words and splatter
light over a canvas
of poetry
I have ideas that sprout
blooming like the Big Bang
yet shimmering in icy waves
almost ready to fade off into
the oblivion of the world.
Current Residence: Lexington, Kentucky
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Medium
Favourite genre of music: Indie (calm music) and some rock (Kamelot)
Favourite photographer: TJ Stanley and Julie Niklas
Favourite style of art: Any is awesome!
Operating System: Shhh...
MP3 player of choice: Ipod classic
Shell of choice: A level 9 force field
Wallpaper of choice: The paper on my wall
Skin of choice: My skin!
Favourite cartoon character: Thein Mokadara, Shadow Mokadara, Ukarax, and Ukathrax
Personal Quote: A pocket watch can't tell you what the time is It can only tell you Where the time is