012. InsanityTheHouseofK on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thehouseofk/art/012-Insanity-305637852TheHouseofK

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012. Insanity



One of the things I've enjoyed most about working on these 100 themes has been the various subjects that I get to try that I wouldn't normally think to attempt. Case and point, 012. Insanity. It took a little while to decide on a concept for this, but once the idea popped into my head, it wouldn't leave me alone until I painted it (which seems to happen to me a lot...). Anyway, I had fun trying out different ideas that I thought would best show the chaotic and trapped feeling of a "broken" mind, but also convey that sometimes, the quirky ways in which the mind works can be beautiful, even if it is destructive in the end. Enjoy.

For :icon100themeschallenge: Variation 1.

Other finished themes can be found here: [link]
Image size
1780x1021px 233.92 KB
© 2012 - 2025 TheHouseofK
anonymous's avatar
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comicscomixcomikz's avatar
Very well executed. The color choices, the fractured image & the strategic use of a very graphic black splotch exemplify the the notion of insanity. Very well done indeed, young lady.