Lost Souls is being inked further and I've now removed the sketch-pages from the "Tales from the Land of the Dead" album upto where I've inked the pages (page 11). Only eight to go. :)Also my YouTube accounts were suspended so if you want to see any of my video-material please check out my new channel, though it's still missing most of my videos...http://www.youtube.com/HandeToon
I've started uploading the inked pages of Lost Souls even though I said I'd do that only after they were all done. Just want to show people I haven't been completely lazy.The fan-fic has hit the web too but unless you're 18 or older than forget about reading it. Instead check out Lost Souls, it's much more age-appropriate. :D
It just occurred to me that I can in fact release a Censored Version of the aforementioned fan-fic. In fact considering how fowl it's latter half is it might even prove to be really entertaining to read. :)So the censored version is under work as of now.
“Would you like a coco-naaat? Would you like a can-ta-lo-pay? A uranium core??? Than you sir need a knife!” Holy shit you are a fucking legend thank you for those amazing robot master videos