I started this page when I was young, insecure, and fairly socially inept. Fast forward to today, now I'm older, tired, and questioning my past self. For the longest time I debated whether I should just delete this account entirely and maybe start again, but it's not worth fussing about anymore. We all make mistakes, often loud and obnoxious ones.
Does this mean I'll make frequent posts? Probably not. I draw a lot less these days, so most of what I post will be from the backlog of sketches I've done over the years.
Favourite Movies
Shaun of the dead, Hot fuzz, Son of Frankenstein, Dracula, Nightmare on elm street, Host (The one with the mutant creature)
Favourite TV Shows
Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Angel, Buffy the vampire slayer, Kill la Kill, One Punch Man, Beast wars
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Can't decide
Favourite Books
The Silverwing series, The Fire Within, Percy Jackson, The Witch Family, The last book in the Universe
Favourite Writers
Can't decide
Favourite Games
Dead Space 1-2, Prototype 1-2, Minecraft, Warframe, Outer Wilds, YOMI Hustle
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS4 & PC
Tools of the Trade
Pencil and Paper
Other Interests
Game design