212 deviations
62 deviations
Doctor Who
28 deviations
3 deviations
Star Trek
5 deviations
10 deviations
School Sketches
21 deviations
How I Met the Captain
The first time I met you I was a mere red shirt.......
The ship is dying, stranded deep in the neutral zone. I feel a crushing hopelessness overpower me as each hit by the Klingon warship shakes the catwalk upon which I crouch, trying desperately to reach the last remaining escape pod, and drag myself to safety. In the back of my mind, I know the ship is beyond repair, and there isn't much time before the ship will blow up. The only feeble promise of life is the escape pod.
The Klingon warship had destroyed the engines, drained the fuel supply, and burst the oxygen tanks in the first few seconds of their attack, catching us all by surprise...
Old Scrap Work
55 deviations
1 deviation