Hey, it's TheGoldenCrowbar here! Welcome to my Deviant Art page! I'm an anthro artist, obviously, and love meeting new people, regardless of gender, sexual preference, or race. I'm not going to be hostile to anyone unless they display hostility first, so keep that in mind.
I love music of almost every genre, video games, art, and just mucking about.
I also do commissions, so if you're looking for someone to make some art for ye, check out this nifty chart before you ask me!
1. Sketch:
Just a simple pencil drawing - $2
2. Lineart:
Refined pencil drawing, ready to color - $4
3. Shaded(pencil):
Black and white pencil drawing shaded - $8
4. Shaded(pen):
Shaded, but done completely in pen - $15
5. Colored(flat):
colored with hues, no shading - $18
6. Colored(shaded):
Just old school shading, the way I used to do it - $20
7. Colored(deluxe):
A picture with all the works - $25
8. ANY DRAWING TYPE OF YOUR CHOICE - 1 Team Fortress 2 Craftable Headgear! (Must be good looking or go for at least 2 refined via the trade system)
The prices will remain to this degree unless otherwise stated. The only reasons I will thump up the prices is if I really need motivation to get me jump started, or I really need the cash at the moment. The reverse of such may also lead to me lowering the prices.
1. Character reference sheet(s):
2. Character personality profile(s):
3. Scene description:
4. Type of Commission:
Feel free to look around and ask questions. Just don't take anything without my permission. As long as we're cool on that, you're good to go!
Current Residence: Your nearby trashcan. Thats right, I SEE YOU.
Favourite genre of music: J-Rock, Metal, Heavy Metal, Electronic Music...
Favourite style of art: Inked by hand and colored in Photoshop.
Operating System: Windows XP media edition
MP3 player of choice: iPod
Skin of choice: MY SKIN
Favourite cartoon character: Would have to be John Kuudo. Don't ask why, because its obvious.
Personal Quote: ... You got a dart in yer head ya dumb sh*t.