Assassins Creed Wristblade v2thegadgetfish on DeviantArt

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Assassins Creed Wristblade v2



See it in action here: [link]

Tutorial here: [link]

This is a spring-loaded wristblade, designed to imitate the one Altair uses from Assassin's creed. There is a finger trigger on the pinky, so when you flex your hand, it will shoot out.

Couple differences b/w this and the prototype:
- 3 tier drawer slide instead of 2. This makes it possible for the blade to extend beyond the fingertips
- Blade is gravity fed, but is pushed out by the momentum of the spring

Time taken: 1 week, b/c it took forever to drill holes through the blade. I ended up using a drill press at school, and broke my professor's drill bit in the process.. Oops.

Thanks to :icon654321: for letting me borrow her arm :D
Image size
1073x752px 1.47 MB
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ToxicF4ux's avatar
How long has it been!? I remember my Dad and I watched the tutorial. My dad bought the supplies and we were going to make it when we got the time! My dad got too busy though and we never got around to it.
But I remember this! It makes me so happy X3