After a really long delay, I finally had the time to put together my latest models. From TNG to SNW and PIC, old and new designs, including two incarnations of the Starship Enterprise!
Catch them on @metlesitsfleetyards
Have fun, y'all! :D
The long-delayed model release spree is finally here. Sorry for the long wait, people, things aren't moving as fast as they did a couple of years ago. This release has a bit of old, a bit of new, and some obscure designs that I hope will satisfy your rendering needs.
Catch them all on
Have fun, my friends!
As it is customary, I'm releasing my newest models for the holiday season. Some of new designs, some classics, all of them ready to boldly go!
Catch them all on
I wish you all beautiful holidays and a prosperous New Year!
You people wanted the SNW Enterprise, now you can have her
Plus some other nifty little models for your enjoyment.
Have fun gallivanting around the galaxy!
Catch them on
It's been a long time, but it's finally here: I'm releasing a new set of 3D models. Not much, but I hope you can put them to good use in some great renders. Two Enterprises, the Cerritos refit, and more!
Catch them all on
I wish you all a prosperous new year. Take care, be safe and don't forget to be awesome!