We returned from our walk through the city and I asked roxy if she could help with a surprise for thunder. She said yes. With her heading home I went in to find max and ricky done left, thunder was passed out on the sofa with his game control in his hands. Nova was busy checking his wing to see if it's healing proper, eptio and fluffy were asleep so I hit the bed myself. Although with my body being different I fell off the bed on the first try!"Aaahh!""Thump""Crap! Stupid legs!"Nova came walking in to find out what's going on."Kit! Keep it down, you almost made me break my other wing!""Sorry" I tried again and went to sleep.First thing in...
With the movie over we all relaxed."Hey ricky? You mind if I keep this video?" nova asked.He got up and pulled the tape out handing it to nova, "sure you can. I made it for you anyways"."Thanks, guess now I need to find another way to defend myself" nova said looking back at his wing wrapped up. He was remembering his old bow. How he loved practicing with it."Yeah like a sword!" eptio says. "I wish one was here for me""Well guy's keep wishing and you might get them. Afterall, we're all here because of a wish so who knows?" reminding them. I went outside to admire the night sky, as I was sitting in the front yard for a while roxy came by. S...
When nova woke up the next morning he was still tired."Whoa, I knew when we all drank those monster's the rest was history."Recalling all that happened eptio and fluffy were bouncing off the walls. Thunder and ricky became best friends, then tried to see who had the better strength. Kit and roxy went off on another stroll, max tagged along to keep an eye on his new family. I tried to watch over everyone else but that energy was making my wings flap. Finally I decided to go out into the night and fly. When I returned they all passed out in the living room so I went to bed.Now as I come down the stairs they were all still sound asleep. I pou...
After surviving the most painful night of my new life, I woke up. Checking myself all over I was back to normal.Huh? Must be like the curse of the werewolves sorta deal. Cool, but my head feels like someone's hit me with a hammer!Holding my head I got to the bathroom to shower. I was washing up when I realize my bandage got soaked.GreatRemoving it there was no wound. Not even a scratch! Walking down the stairs no one else was up yet. They all spent the night watching over me. Fixing some toast I start to look for something to drink.Hey, I bought some Dr Pepper's, that will wake me up!Opening the fridge I reach in without paying attention. ...
All afternoon they enjoy the celebration. Eating their last slice of cake, they were full.You know, we are going to have to thank them all for this somehow I said. Overhearing me the mayor came up to the table.That won't be necessary kit.Mayor springs!Please call me willow. We throw one of these every time someone new arrives. We don't expect anything in return. By the way how'd you like the car? Pointing at the charger.You did that!?Me? No It was magically shipped to my office with a letter stating to be delivered to you.You have magic here? Fluffy ask the mayor.Of course! There's all types here. If you want I can print up a list for you ...
Adventures In Anthropolis by kitanthro, literature
Adventures In Anthropolis
After enjoying the day seeing the sights. Kit, nova, eptio, fluffy and thunder had a blast eating pizza and sipping soda for free. Compliments of an adult zebra named Stryker, the restaurants owner.You kid's are welcome anytime! He said waving goodbye.We started heading back to eptio's house when I asked are we all going to live together?You guy's can if you want. Eptio offered, there's plenty of room.Sounds cool to me nova said.I'll be there thunder replies.I just didn't know if you all wanted me around I said.Kit! Fluffy yelled at me. Why else do you think were all here! It's to be together, all of us.Eptio put his arm around my shoulder...