As usual, her laboratory was organized chaos. At times it was barely organized, due to her gallivanting off at random. This time, she had wrapped up enough projects that aside from a backlog of info from Hilbert and Bianca to sort through, but that was a merciful two drawers and one email pile to sort. She could do that in a single pot of coffee on a good day.
Lenora’s package held Aurea’s interest far more. According to the email when she sent it, the room it was in was walled off. After cleaning it, she had shipped it to her to decipher what the unown glyphs on it meant. However, the letter that came with it offered more details. This was what made her so interested
-Aurea, this ceramic bottle was found in a walled off room that required the use of hammers and pickaxes to break down. None of our pokémon would try to do this so we had to do it ourselves. Whatever this item is, it terrified the old Unovan Lords who either had it made or made it. From what I’ve gathered, the ‘Us’ Pokemon (Thunderus, Tornadus, Landorus) might have been summoned from somewhere with this. Hopefully you can figure more out about the okémon glyphs etched into it.
Your friend, Lenora
Whatever the comment was about pokémon fearing this was right. Her Cinccino had put itself in its pokeball the second she got the ceramic bottle out of the box and put it on a table. Yes, the pokemon on it were either early examples of what developed into Unova’s various creatures roaming around, or unknown ones who went extinct. And it did seem like something had tried to destroy the ceramic with water and fire. Still, that just made her more interested in it. However, she was hungry and needed a lunch before she examined the item closer.
~Bang Bang Bang~
Having properly fed herself, Juniper turned back to the ceramic, having taken charcoal sketches of the primitive glyphs. Still, something about it called to her, making her only do part of her backlog of archiving. She had gotten a message from Hilbert that he was going to drop by today to help her, silly boy. His crush on her was plainly obvious but instead of being creepy, he tried to be nice and hope to earn a date.
She was seriously considering it.
But the thought of the young man turned researcher (well, field archivist) confused her. The bottle was her focus, not a lovestruck person. Looking closer at it, the old pokémon appeared to be trying to fend off the Unown, but from what? A worn glyph apparently under a bit of dirt Lenora missed might hold the answer. She ran a finger across it, trying to get a clearer look.
Had Juniper not thought of other people, she might’ve remembered her gloves.
Upon touching the ceramic, she felt a jolt like static electricity over her hand. Stepping back, she blinked as the bottle appeared to… distort before her and ghostly Unown appeared around her. Looking around, nearly straining her neck from the rapid movements, Juniper turned her back to the bottle as more Unown appeared in her lab, dancing to some unheard rhythm.
Friend! Wish-granter!
What were they spelling? Juniper tilted her head to look further at them, unaware of the glow coming from her eyes as the bottle had some kind of gas rise from it, making the room smoky. As she reached out to guide one of the Unown into position, she felt light-headed.
“What do you want?”
Friend! Wish-granter! Djinn!
“Who is Djinn?”
You are Djinn now!
Juniper opened her mouth to ask what that was, only to gasp as something pulsed inside her, making her feel power akin to one of the legendaries. The Unown continued to circle her, lifting her up and making her realize she was now connected to the ceramic, which was changing to something else. A red-lined fat-bottomed bottle, with what appeared to be white strands of DNA running through it. Almost as if someone had changed it while she wasn’t looking. Then understanding hit her, the purpose of the power. A strange dimension, with unusual beasts wandering through it filled her vision before the pulsing stopped.
“Oh, that’s what it means.”
Then she exploded into smoke and flowed into the bottle, which somehow sealed itself. Nothing was in her lab except the hum of her computer and the pokeball containing her Minccino occasionally shaking. Inside the Bottle, Juniper was changing, in a trace-like state as her mind had new instincts and muscle memories implanted for her new existence.
~Bang Bang Bang~
Hilbert had mild worry as he entered Juniper’s lab. He might have had a key and a crush on the beautiful Professor, but he refused to try and do anything to anger her. Even now, seeing the lab with no one in it worried him.
“Aurea!? Are you here!? I really hope she isn’t in her underwear or pajamas again. That was awkward. The dream about her and Fennel didn’t help.”
Setting his backpack on one of the tables, he saw a strange almost glass bottle, grey with white and red DNA running around it like chains. She had an interesting paperweight, though where she found it he didn’t know. Picking it up, Hilbert ran two fingers over it, turning the bottle idly.
“Where did she find… gah!”
Green smoke and bursts of psychic energy shot out of the bottle as a shape tried to coalesce from it. Shortly afterwards, an ethereal moan wafted through the room as the smoke solidified into a liquid like tail ending with…
“Aurea? Prof? What happened to you?”
“Oh, hello Hilbert. I am a Djinn of the Bottle. Whatever you wish for, so long as you have life in your breast, shall be granted to the best of my ability. However, try not to distort the souls and minds of others unless you wish to deal with shadows of who there were.”
Hilbert barely heard her words, trying not to drool over her now outfit. The smoke tail ended in her bare thighs, with fine fabric white panties using a gold band around her hips, a grey half-gown falling down to where her knees would be. A bared, smooth stomach ended in a white bra under a gold-trimmed half-vest that both hinted at her bosom and hugged its outline just enough to give ideas. Her somewhat silly collar now gave off an air of authority, and her earrings were now rubies in gold teardrops. A flash of silver indicated a hairband of some sort for her new ponytail, and Hilbert wiped a hand over his mouth, just in case.
“Any wish?”
“As long as I can understand it, my master.”
Gulping, Hilbert looked down at the bottle. His crush was now his slave in a truly sensuous outfit and he wasn’t sure how to feel about that.