DISCLAIMER: All of my art as of now is 100% AI generated through Stable Diffusion and edited through Adobe Photoshop 2025, Lightroom and Topaz AI, other means of post processing, XPPen Artist13.3 Pro 13.3 Inch.
Name's Krista, I'm a gamer, I'm 29 year's old. I am employed as a "In Home Care Provider".
My art is Mainly Anime Ladies and All Ai Generated with Stable Diffusion.
I Enjoy spending my time talking to friends in discord.
Feel free to ask ask question.
Please don't leave NSFW content on my page. Thank you!~
Have a Lovely Day!~💖
Thanks for the favorites!
Thanks for the llama badge, Miss BearMom!
Thank you for the fave..
Thanks for the Fav. If you like my work, please consider watching me 😀
Thank you for the fav
Thank you for the llama!