Dragon Leather Notebook Charmthedustyphoenix on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thedustyphoenix/art/Dragon-Leather-Notebook-Charm-81596988thedustyphoenix

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Dragon Leather Notebook Charm



*** Currently for sale on Etsy: [link] ***
Edit: Sold! ^_^

A cute little notebook charm. Polymer clay made to look like leather. The little dragon is carved in and the cover is "aged" with acrylic paint.

The cover is actually a darker brown then in the pictures, I couldn't get my camera to pick up the detail without washing it out. The cover also had a faint gold sheen and a few red sparkles in it.

The white pages glow green in the dark. Comes on a paper twine cord. Very lightweight.

There's a dollop of glossy finish on the back over the jump ring to add strength to it.

Approximate Measurements:
1 1/8" tall
1" wide
1/2" depth

Each side is about 16" long and is sent untied so you can adjust it to wherever you like.
Image size
1296x2040px 1.31 MB
© 2008 - 2025 thedustyphoenix
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RaeMac's avatar
oh my gosh this is so awsome!