Cleaning up my folders. I haven't deleted anything, you just have to switch to browse "All." Also moved all my clubs into their own journal page. There was just too many at this point.Don't forget to check out the many shops where I sell prints and merchandise of my work, as well as Etsy for my handmade crafts. And you can follow me on Facebook, WeHeartIt, and Pintrest. I regularly do free to enter give aways. You can find it all on my website: -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Click for clubs I'm a member of! ~~~~~~~*oOo*~~~~~~~I sell prints & ...
::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::My sister:
My friends:
:iconsrf21: :iconurabanana: :iconakiobeloved: :iconsafirae:
::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~:: Here are the clubs I've joined: Photography :iconSky-Club: :iconamazing-nature-art: :icontake-a-photo: :iconbeginnersphotography: :iconportrait-lounge: :iconfeline-photography: Digital Art
:icondigitalartnetwork: Just About Anything :iconbring-your-art: :iconall-media: :iconwe-can-draw-anything: :iconunder50favs: :icontheeverything-club: :icon101without-rules: :iconsubmityourgallery: :iconanything-you-want: :iconsupporting-artists...
Not too much new to say, but I was tired of looking at my old journal. New buttons are up on Etsy. Still have more I have to photo so I can post it. Been putting a lot of new prints up on Zazzle. Trying to get some coloring done, but my tablet doesn't want to cooperate lately. I might have to sacrifice a sheep to it pretty soon or something. Pretty sure it's evil and awakening. New giveaway up on Facebook. November is Doctor Who themed. Still trying to decide what to do for December's. And I joined some new clubs and re-organized my lists since it's getting so long. ~~~~~~~*oOo*~~~~~~~I sell prints & merchandise on Zazzle, Soci...