Ultimate HeatblastTheDoctorBatman1 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thedoctorbatman1/art/Ultimate-Heatblast-923267173TheDoctorBatman1

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Ultimate Heatblast



Ultimate Heatblast abilities:

-Plasmakinesis: Ultimate Heatblast is able to create, shape and manipulate plasma, a state of matter consisting of fully ionized gas of low density containing an approximately equal number of positive ions and electrons. As a variation of plasmakinesis he has strong Electric-Fire Manipulation

-Pyrokinesis: Ultimate heatblast can generate, shape, and manipulate fire and control the temperature at will

-Electrokinesis: Ultimate heatblast can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles (such as electrons or protons).

-Terrakinesis: Ultimate Heatblast can create, shape and manipulate earth and "earthen" elements including most solid objects in a much larger level terrakinesis than regular heatblast, by channeling plasma through the enviroment.

-Enhanced strenght: Way more stronger than regular Heatblast but less stronger Vaxasaurians (Humungousaur)

-Shapeshifting: Ultimate Heatblast can change their shape, size, colorand density. More often used to transform into a meteor, changes his size and hide inside his rocks.

-Lack of odor: Ultimate heatblast is made of pure plasma instead of fire so he doesn't leaves ashes or odor and thanks to his shapeshifting abilities he's stealthy.

-Intense heat: Ultimate heatblast is hotter than regular Heatblast, but now he's pure plasma instead of fire.

-Rock armor: Ultimate heatblast has rocks on his limbs so he can interact with the environment without destroying his surroundings.


-Magnetic fields: When the charges move, they generate electrical currents with magnetic fields, and as a result, they are affected by each other’s fields.

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kal8879's avatar

How tall is he?Is he stronger than Swampfire?