Scraps and Old StuffTheDeadHeroAlistair on DeviantArt

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TheDeadHeroAlistair's avatar

Scraps and Old Stuff



A massive collection of stuff I've made over the years. Does not include things I cannot let others use or things that don't really fit (32x32 tiles say hello), but does include things for projects long dead. I'll occasionally update this as I make things that are usable but don't really fit in with any sets I'm currently working on or that don't like meet my quality expectations.

Note that some of the sprites do not adhere well to a 16x16 grid. Just align the door and you'll be good to go.

As usual feel free to use any tiles on this sheet, as long as...

1. Proper credit is given
2. It's not used for commercial purposes
3. Any changes made to any components or the map itself are freely shared
Image size
3292x3120px 1.66 MB
© 2021 - 2025 TheDeadHeroAlistair
anonymous's avatar
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Fynn-Bernsteinwolf's avatar

This is such inspiring material, I hope I can use some of the tiles in the future!

Thank you so much for being open to provide these.