Ну типо это... как его... чай будешь?
(Well... so ... you like some tea?)
Здесь, в DeviantArt обитает типичный ленивый TheDaniilFox, что рисует от скуки, попивая чай и не любит особо раскрашивать арты. Тут заливаю как годноту, так помойку, но настоящую свалку можно увидеть в VKontakte. Такие вот пироги.
(Here, in DeviantArt, a typical lazy TheDaniilFox lives, who draws out of boredom, sipping tea and does not like to paint art especially. Here I fill in both the junk and the garbage, but the real dump can be seen in VKontakte. Such are the pies.)
Мое основное место обитания:
Я в Pixiv:
Мужик ,отличные арты !
By the way, I'm looking for artists who also draw Metro 2033 in the anime style. You can write to me in VK: https://vk.com/thedaniilfox If there is no such possibility, then blurt it out here
And so, ladies and gentlemen, I really like to draw Metro 2033 in the anime style. I know perfectly well that the subject matter in this case is rare, so I want to bring this case to light. I started it at the end of 2017. Here in the yard is the year 2021... and the drawings are not very much. Well, I'm a lazy person and then I have recently inspiration Chet generally often disappears. In general, these are the pies)